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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. My offer still stands................
  2. Go on Z31performance alot of people have been using stance coilovers with serial 9 adaptors for some time now with great results.
  3. Well the electric Fuel Pump on my (early) 74 260Z took a dump on me the other day so I need to find a replacement. From my understanding the early 74s have an electrical and mechanical pump. Should I just ditch the mechanical pump and pick up and upgraded electric one? Can anyone recommend a good electric pump? I saw MSA sells a Holley unit any feedback on that? Thanks in advance.
  4. Well my stocker took a dump on me today, looking for a good replacement. I dont want to mess with regulators just looking for a direct replacement for mine. Motor is a stock L26 with SUs. Any input on a replacement and tips for the install? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on the Black Dragon Fenders. I think I may way for SR240Z to come out with his composite fenders unless I can find some super clean stockers.
  6. Well the front fenders on my 260z have a fair amount of cancer a little too much to repair so Ive been looking for decent replacements. I was looking here http://www.blackdragonauto.com/icatalog/z/full.aspx?Page=21 for $200 a fender. Anyone ever buy front fenders from Black Dragon auto? How is the fitment? Any other alternatives out there I have no problem shelling out some $$$$$ for something that fits great. Any input is appreciated thanks!
  7. Some info for others who may search the topic in the future: Inquired MSA about the part # differences and here is there response(s) From Garrett at MSA "Thank you for your email. As far as I am aware, the numbers that Eibach provided for you are the original numbers from when Eibach used to sell them directly. The numbers were updated when we contracted with them to reproduce the springs after Eibach had discontinued the early springs. The 6305.___ numbers are the application numbers, while the other numbers are the Eibach SKU numbers. I am going to verify that this is the case, and, I will let you know for sure once I find out." From Aaron at MSA "You did receive the correct springs. The “6305†number designates 240Z and early 260Z. The number ending in 001 designates front and 202 designates rear. The difference in the other numbers might depend on your source. Eibach use to make these springs years ago and then discontinued them. We teamed up with them again to have them remade and now they are exclusive to us. That would probably explain any difference in numbers. As long as it says 6305.140 on the box and the springs start with 6305, you are good." Maybe a mod should sticky this thread in the FAQ or suspension section there is lots of miss information out there regarding these springs.
  8. Yes I did no response yet...... Springs should be the same our boxes both read the same part # the prings inside just read different Im thinking they just may have updated the part #s as everything else looks the same but still waiting for a response from MSA on that
  9. Ok the taller springs on mine read: 280757. 6305.001 And the shorter ones read: 279928. 6305. 202 Uggh now I dont even know if I was sent the proper springs in the first place.
  10. Yea thats what I figured at least I caught it before I did the rears too. Thanks for the help.
  11. Yikes well Like I said before I just finished the fronts and havent touched the rears yet. I set the front end on the ground and its only sitting 1/4 inch lower than stock so it looks like ill be tearing the front suspension apart again and putting the taller springs in. It just seemed odd to me that the taller springs would go up front and the shorter in the rear. How much did they lower your car after they settled in?
  12. Yikes so the shorter progressive springs go in the rear?? I just started to install these exact springs with Tokico Hps and just finished the front up with the shorter progressive springs. I compared the longer of the two springs with my front stockers and they were the exact same height I easnt sure what went where either so I called the people at MSA told me the longer ones went in the back and the shorter springs up front!?! This is for a early 74 260Z.
  13. Yes I am an Idiot..... Pinched fuel line, must of pinched it when I was messing around with the rear subframe. Problem solved runs like a champ again. Thanks guys.
  14. I threw 5 gal in it to be sure I wasnt empty and I have a clear fuel filter and all looks well there.
  15. Ok weird problem, Installed new springs and shocks on my early 74 260Z this weekend dropped the car down and it started right up ran fine for about 2 min then stalled out (sounded to me like it ran out of gas)and since then havent been able to get it to turn over. Sounds like it wants to start; Im definitly getting proper spark so my assumption would be fuel but not quite sure where to start as this is my first S30 and my first Carbd car and I have never had a problem at all getting the car to turn over so I dont know what I possibly could have done while doing the suspension mods to effect the fuel delivery. Any help would be appreciated thanks!
  16. Looking for a pair of complete turn signal assemblies for a 240/early 260Z. Must have mounting studs in tact lenses dont have to be in great shape. Shipped to 44070. Thanks.
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