For all of you that have read about the Palm MS tuneing software, I have a bit of info.
I neglected to do more research on the software and snagged a *Palm IIIe* off of ebay... well, I later discoverd that the software required Palm OS 3.5 or higher... My IIIe only had OS 3.1 (and cannot be upgraded). So future Palm MS people, PLEASE (before you run out and buy a palm like I did) MAKE SURE... that the OS on the PDA is at least version 3.5
The Palm VIIx, IIIc, IIIxe (this is the one I am ordering now), m100 and m105 all come with OS 3.5 standard.
The software can be found on the Megasquirt EFI forums in the Palm section and was created by Renns.
I hope this helps you guys...