Im probably going to open Pandoras box here, but here it goes anyway. From the police officers perspective. Haven written my fair share of citations as a Traffic Officer on a motorcycle for 15 years. I have yet to see it all, but have come close, that is untill I go to work tomorrow. The "what if" is always the key. The kid last week who was looking at himself do hole shots in the mirror windows at the local Target store didn't plan on entering the front doors and driving 75' into the store. He hit the Nitros by "accident". The store was brand new and noone was hurt. More common is the attitude of the offender. 99.9 % of the time its the persons mouth that gets them into ticket land. Im all for having fun but there is a time and a place. I don't think a university campus is probably the best place to learn drifting. Save it for the warehouse parking lot on Sundays. I received my fair share of citations in my youth and I deserved everyone I got. Was I mad? yep, was it my fault? yep. Here is my advice. If you get pulled over for doing the unsafe start or get caught doing 25 over ( I give 21 untill I stop someone) admit it! The first thing out of his mouth will probably you know why I pulled you over? if you say uhhh nooo, you have just pi$$ed him off and your screwed. I let folks go if the admit it with humor and honisty. Also like the other threads mentioned it's a law suit happy world out there and we have all put a lot of time and money into our toy's, our homes and our family just to loose it all to one stupid moment. I have worked to many fatal accidents for just plain stupidity. So if your going to drive it like you stole it, find a suitable place and have at it, but keep your sanity and know your limitations. Ok im done, be kind when you let me have it here, remember In the winter I spend 8 hours driving a front wheel drive Chevy Impala with a V6. Be safe