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Posts posted by jerryb

  1. Your right I have not participated in sanctioned road races............That doesnt discount me from having practical sense.....I see no point in measuring something after it breaks or over heats. If its important enough to mesure after a race then I'd expect its important enough during one.


    Especially when you invest time and money in particiaping in a race. But what do I know.... :)

  2. (Wikipedia)......Automobiles

    A resonator is one part in exhaust systems that works with the muffler to reduce noise, by making sound waves "cancel each other out"[1]. The "exhaust note" is an important feature for many vehicle owners, so both the original manufacturers and the after-market suppliers use the resonator to enhance the sound.


    I believe the net effect of a muffler/resonator install will vary depending on how far apart they are, relative sizing of the two, engine type and even the rpm range they impact.


    My resonator made the car sound deeper but it didnt really make the car more quite....I guess it wasnt as barky.

  3. They are caps to cover your old and nasty dash. They are installed over your old unit...I believe you need to glue them on so they dont rattle and vibrate. Perhaps someone can confirm......


    I am fortunate to have a perfect dash but have seem many on cars. They look fine and are very economical. Im sure many cars on this forum have them installed. I say its better than looking at the old cracked dash.


    Ive always thought of covering one of these with Carbon Fiber. I would be a lot easier and cheaper than making a CF dash.

  4. Being a bit of a DIYselfer I started doing a bit of web reasearch on LED conversions to better understand the concept (didnt help as Im electrical retarded!) BUT I did find a lot of great stuff that eventually lead me to this site


    http://rcaz.com/movieclips/eclipse2.1.mpg :trippen:



    I want to buy an Eclipse just so I can have these taillights! HAHA!


    Here are a few good reference sites I found.....







    And finally.......... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280202224967&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018


    Im buying one!

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