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Another "what wires are these in engine bay" thread!

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Hey fellas, finally starting to work on my 78 280z. I bought the car with the webers already installed. It runs and what not so Im happy with that. I would like to clean up the wiring in the engine bay so what are these on the relay cover? They seem to be hot wires as they are some what thick gauge. They also have jumpers on the back of the black little box. Im also thinking of removing the EFI relays and wires as I do not need them. Though would removing them have anything to do with the ignition? Thanks so much!!







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hmmm, hence the dilemna. Any idea what those fusible links were for? They are jumped now any way. Also would like to know for certain which EFI related relays I can ditch. Fuel pump will be rewired to a switch any way, as will the starter. Only wires I need in the engine bay is headlights, turn signals, distributor, coil, and water temp. Maybe the wipers and windshield fluid too :).



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The "jumpers" as you call them are the fusible links. You cannot simply remove them as they feed the power to most of the electrical components in the car. The headlights, wipers, heater, etc., are all protected by these fusible links. Originally there was a plastic cover on each of the two black bases that made them look nicer.


You could relocate the fusible links easily enough. Removing them by disconnection will disable much of your electrical system. Removing them by bypassing the fuses will eliminate an important protection device.

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Here's some info from AtlanticZ:



The different colors indicate different amperage


Here's the link to info about upgrading from fusable links to Maxi fuses: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html


I did this recently on my Z, pretty easy and straight forward. Hardest part is finding the fuse blocks, had to get mine at the audio section of walmart, none of the parts stores in town carry maxi fuse blocks anymore.

Edited by Austin240Z
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