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Wiring table for 83 zxt MS2 conversion


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I am new to the megasquirt system. I have been researchng and researching and researchng. For now, I want to make an adaptor between the MS2(and/or relay board) and the factory wiring. So far, I haven't found any place where someone has put together a wiring table to make this possible.


I put together an excel spreadsheet to try to bring these together if it's possible. I started to fill it in but I still have to get more info for the Nissan wiring harness to make it more detailed. Any info to help or tell me if I'm wasting my time would be great.


What I do have so far is from the 82zxt wiring table in the FSM and the MegaManual.


Update!!! I spent more time on it an have eliminated the pins that are not used.

Wiring table for MS2 to stock wiring harness.pdf

280zxt Wire table MS2.pdf

Edited by macambra
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Most people who install megasquirt into there car, remove the factory harness and use a Megasquirt harness because its no longer needed. Plus the megasquirt harness is pre-labeled. Makes for a quick and easy install.


You won't need the factory AFM Airflow meter wiring.

Cold start injector wiring

Auxillary air regulator wiring


You need to add a G.M. air sensor to your wiring diagram

a newer model throttle position sensor, 240sx one.

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Most people who install megasquirt into there car, remove the factory harness and use a Megasquirt harness because its no longer needed. Plus the megasquirt harness is pre-labeled. Makes for a quick and easy install.


You won't need the factory AFM Airflow meter wiring.

Cold start injector wiring

Auxillary air regulator wiring


You need to add a G.M. air sensor to your wiring diagram

a newer model throttle position sensor, 240sx one.


I realize that "most People" would want to replace the harness, however I am not "most people". I would like to maintain the wiring harness in the slight chance that I decide that this is not the platform I want to continue building and bring it back to stock. I also feel that if we were to design a way to make this more plug-n-play, less people would be afraid to move to a stand-alone managment system.


I am not content to do it the easy way and throw away a harness. I want to work within the confines of what I have already installed, besides I want to do this conversion in stages. Once I prove the system is functional in my car, I may change the harness.

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I'm not sure what the factory pinouts are like, but you may look into using one of these adapters from diyautotune: http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/diybob-c-79.html


My guess is that you could probably get it going for all factory sensors, ignore the AFM wires, and run only one vacuum line to the intake manifold to get it running properly.

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I'm not sure what the factory pinouts are like, but you may look into using one of these adapters from diyautotune: http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/diybob-c-79.html


My guess is that you could probably get it going for all factory sensors, ignore the AFM wires, and run only one vacuum line to the intake manifold to get it running properly.


Effectivley, that's what I'm going for. Unfortunately, the only thing they have that's close is the Nipon-Denso 52 pin BOB. I'm actually trying to make the Nissan equivalent 51 pin unit. I already have the connectors from a donor Z31 ECU. Now I'm trying to pen out how I'm going to connect it to the DB37. I can pick up the breadboard and componants at Radio Shack.

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