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Removing stuck R200 axles


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I've seen a few threads discussing the difficulty of removing the snap-in type R200 axles. After working for about an hour with screw drivers and a pry bar trying (and failing) to pry out the axles, I then tried the tug-of-war method with both feet on the diff trying to use the outer CV as a slide hammer. That didn't work either and I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow. Finally, I took the cover off the diff and drove a large, tapered flat-tip screwdriver between the internal end of the axle an the spider gear cross shaft. The axle popped right out!! The smart guys can chime in to state whether I hurt anything, but this method worked great. Wish I'd tried it from the beginning.

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If you can find the room to work and the right cold chisel to fit in there, you can use your technique between the carrier and the CV housing. Some oil on the parts in contact and some hard tapping and it will lever out. It works on the stub axles too. Same concept, different location.

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Funny I used the chisel method it wouldn't pop. Stuck very tight. Lightly grabed the axle and vigorously pulling poped it right out. It needs quick, fast, action to make them "pop". Doing it slowly I think causes the actual snap ring to bind into the carrier.


Another thing i've used is about 5 feet of rope. Lets you have some slack so when you pull it gives it that quick jolt it needs!

Edited by JSM
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Using the rope is the same concept as a slide hammer. Chain works better, aka poor mans slide hammer.


Secure one end of the chain to the item to be pulled. Wrap the other end around a large heavy bar ( have a 3ft section of 1.5" rebar) and swing away. When you get to the "end of the chain" it should snap whatever is on the other side free. Use proper protective gear, the chain method is not near as safe as a slide hammer.

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This method reminds me of the time my brother had a loose tooth. He tied a string to his tooth, then tied the other end of the string to a door knob. Then he asked his little brother (me) to slam the door really hard. Well, it didn't work, but it yanked him to the floor. He bled like a stuck hog and squeeled even louder before running to get mom and blame the whole thing on me! Tooth came out on its own a few days later and I'm still trying to get over that whippin'.

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