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$200 what would you buy?

Rusty Bomb

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First thanks for getting this out of the tool shed.


I'll answer a few questions.


First Z cars are not very common on craigslist so when this came and I had the money I jumped on it. The V-8 didn't really impress me and in fact I was turned off by the rust. Well I hope to find more about the car and fix it up summer time.


Its hard for me to work on my car where I'm at so I was thinking of renting a paint booth and just giving it a quick spray. Kind of like a face lift. I don't have a house to work on the car so was going to rent space on base.


I decided to hold on to the money and maybe paint another car I got that requires less body work. I have zero body shop skill but I got most tools except a body hammer, pneumatic d/a, and welder. I could go at it by hand but really panels should be replaced proper and that is beyond my skill level.



If you can help me with anything, name of parts or whatever that be great. In the mean time enjoy.

Edited by Rusty Bomb
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