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Rota rbr on a s130 why they look different ?

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So, I finally installed my brand new Rotas RBR that I got from Kim, here at the group buy few months ago, I also installed new yokohama s-drives tires, I been scratching my head for a few weeks now on why the rear driver side wheel sticks out about 1/2 or close to an inch more than the passenger side :blink: , I measured both rears wheels for off-set and they appear to be exactly the same measurement any ideas ???




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I would really like to see this pictures. a Mod deleted them from the size.


edit: Could be a number of things, off the top of my head, bent frame, could be the bushings for the subframe are destroyed so its moving around, could be the bushings in the control arm. Could have been in an accident and had some shody body work done to fix it and they made it look good, but measured wrong.

Edited by BluDestiny
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  • 1 month later...

ok guys, a good friend came over today and it looks like a camber issue, does anybody here know how to adjust the rear camber on a zx? I changed all the bushings few months ago, put new kyb rear struts, tokico springs 1" drop, and I dont remember seeing anything for adjustments down there :huh: please help....

Edited by J240ZTurbo
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If you haven't changed anything, check ride height. A tired spring could drop that corner and ad camber. Lots of cars aren't "square" from the factory. On my truck I had to lower one corner a full inch more than the others to get equal ride height all the way around.

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Lots of cars aren't "square" from the factory.


That's the truth. It's pretty shocking how off they are sometimes. Nearly all cars are off a little anyway. They can't build you a car to sell at a reasonable price and have it be dimensionally perfect.


It should be pretty easy to find where your camber difference came from. Jack it up, take the wheels off and start measuring.

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