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$800-$1,000 for getting a head ported

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could be a fair price if it's a very good job for specific expectations. For a stock block/cam etc one might question the money spent. What do you want to get from this modification? car's purpose/long term expectations......gears/air filter & exhaust are the initial cheapies to get a nice change next to an engine swap whether it's a turbo L28 or V8 etc....


My v8ZX resulted from a blown head gasket on the L6.....$5-600 to have it replaced.....may as well rebuild the head...may as well rebuild the bottom end...is this the motor/power I want in the end? nope/in went the V8 icon_smile.gif smiles and chuckles since


I'm really looking fwd to riding(driving?) a couple custom turbo L6's underway locally here once they're up and running



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$800-1000 is cheap depending on what you are getting, or expensive for the same reasons... If they are just doing valve guides and seats, then it is expensive. If you are having the bowls blended, ports polished, exotic valves put in, cam towers shimmed, custom lash pad alignment done, then that is a VERY Fair price. Add in any bench flow work and you could see MUCH HIGHER prices.


Damn, sounds like I know a thing or two about L6 motors doesn't it??? I agree 100% with Ross though, for that money you could be well on the way to having a V8!


Mike icon_biggrin.gif

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Funny Ross and Mike are saying that about the expensive L6 head work vs V8. I used to be around a local shop that's long since closed (Datson Pitstop, Upper Marlboro MD) where the owner was an ex professional crew member/mechanic for one of the big 70s Datsun race teams. This guy knew more about Zs than anyone I've ever met since.


Anyway, he had a customers car he was building up with no money spared. LOTS of money in the engine and porting, etc. But next to that car was the shop owner's project car - a 240Z that he was converting with a Scarab kit (this was the mid-late 80's). Funny that his choice after many years of tweaking and building hi-po 240Zs was a V8 conversion. Bang for the buck, he used to say...

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Guest Anonymous

I'd have to agree with the other Gents, for a grand, I don't think on a N.A. motor with a stock block and ECU that you're going to get much bang for the bucks. You could probably just about slide a turbo motor in and see much better gain for the bux. Improved breathing in just the valves/head without more fuel and compression really is a waste in my opinion.





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Think I'm going to pass on getting that much done to the head. I'm going to stop by there shop and talk to them and see what they say would be a good idea to have done to the head. I feel that if I spent that much on head work, a piston would come loose and smack the head a few time (just my luck). I have a turbo car waiting to get the motor rebuilt after I finish the major work with this car.


Thanks for the helpful replies


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