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Swapping out engine.... right now.


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hey guys...


I started the removal process of the engine out of my 77 280z at about 11 am yesterday...


heh, with certain problems i still havent gotten it pulled...


And i still have to pull the engine from an 81 zx, which then is going to go into my 77... ( i'm using the intake and such from the 77 on the 81 engine to avoid problems.)

anyways...Just letting everyone know so far, that this is a real big pain in the ass, the whole engine removal thing. do youguys think i could get the engine mounts from autozone? just in case... also, just to confirm... there should be no problem, as in, i should have a straight forward bolt in with the 5 speed tranny on the 81 zx to the 77 z. correct?


anyways. i am just kinda taking a break, i didnt work all night, but i woke at sunrise to get started again, cherry picker rental isnt cheap.

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Motor mounts from Autozone? No way. I mean, it's worth a try, but my bet is you'll have to order those from a dealership or MSA.


As to the trans swap, the only problem I ran into on my 71 with the 80 5sp was I had to use the shift fork from the 4sp. I also had to cut the shifter hole larger, but you may not have to.

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Also, remember to swap the mounting brackets from the 77 onto the new motor. The brackets are different between the z and zx (I didn't realize it until I bolted the engine in all whoppy-jawed!!)

It may be a bit of a pain doing the swap, but enjoy it...if you don't, it'll take even longer. icon_smile.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Yeah, if theres something you don't like doing in a engine swap, you can be assured that something you still need to do will suck even worse... icon_smile.gif Hope that helps... icon_smile.gif





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I pulled my engine out around 1 week ago, its a bit of a Bi#$h if u don't have a crane, me and my dad were trying to lift the block out, it was just the block, no pistons no head etc, we tryed with our bear hands but it was just a little to heavy,


take as much time as you can, it is the best fun if it is your first time as it was mine, i learnt so much just pulling the engine apart, i can't wait to put it back togther, haha...

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Guest Anonymous

You might be surprised, Kragen or Autozone may have the part, but you may have to have it ordered up. I got a front end piece overnight from Kragen at one of they're local distribution places. You can try them on the net, I use that to tell me if its a part in the store (kragen) or must be ordered. Both have online shopping.





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If you are really getting that frusturated with the engine swap etc.. All I can say is focus on the process not the product! If your mind is on the end result the whole time you will miss out on the almost "zen" like state when things fall into place perfectly.


Anyways, that was a piece of advice my uncle offered to me when I started working on my car. Its one of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten.




PS.. it also helps you keep going when things get really rough and long such as petes car and my 2 year turbo motor.


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Guest Anonymous

Yeah I get to scaring myself if I think about the whole process usually. Break it down into bite size bits of work to do and you'll get it done just fine. Good luck with it.





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eh, well... it looks like i wont be done until next weekend. i decide to rebuild the engines before i put one of them back into the car.


quick ponderment.

are the pistons in a 77 engine dished? if i put them into the 81 engine.... and grabbed a p-90 head, could i turbocharge the engine safely then?

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