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Name this connection

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This is a connection that is under the driver side dash. It went to the ecu I believe but I have no idea what it is for.

Ive been looking through xenons30 electronic manuals for a while and I just cant seem to find it. It is a 2 wire connection with a blue wire and a black wire that seems to lead to some kind of (technical word) cylindrical thingumabob. If I am correct it seems to sit between a connection that I think goes to the key  ignition and what i think is the buzzer noise box. Im trying to hook up my ms and Im trying to figure out where everything goes so any help would be appreciated.

forgot to mention that this is on a 77 280z


Edited by Ozzie831
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Well I got into some uncomfortable angles and tried getting the part number. From what i can tell, it says "pma26-1" which i looked up on google and some other car part stores and didnt find anything. Im starting to think the wires aren't the stock color but they are indeed blue and black.

It connects to the ecu with 2 black wires which have little numers on them. One says 12 and one says 19 (im not sure if that corresponds to the pin number).

On a hunch I looked up where the 12 pin goes and that is to the altitude switch.


My new question is if anyone can tell me that my find is correct, that what im looking at is altitude switch wiring

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