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280 5.3/Turbo/T56

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First off thank you to the Admin for fixing the validating method. I have been trying to sign up for weeks now.


I just got (free)  a 78 280z from my father in law he had the car sitting in front of his house for the last 5 years it has some BAD spots of surface rust but the entire car will be DA sanded and repainted. From what I can tell  the frame is in good shape but it will be getting a cage and sub-frame connectors 


The ultimate plan is to do a 5.3 Ls swap with a single turbo and a built T56 Zo6 intake, cam and springs looking for 550hp  . The cars paint is screwed now and it will likely end up a Charcoal Silver, With ghost stripes 


Here is a few shots of the car still sitting at my father in-laws. I will be driving out to pick it up and trailer it back with in the next few weeks 


Budget on the car is 20k   I will be doing all the work myself and the build will be slow.


Poor Poor 280 :(

But for a free Car I will take it ;)





Edited by geno51
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  • 2 months later...

Well I have begun... I picked up the car last week and towed her back to her new home for the next few months at our shop in a back corner. I have inspected it and found that there is minimal bondo on the car and just the rust in the usual places. Rear lower quarters. Note that this car sat in the weather in colorado for 10 years ;( and did not move once. man that sucks





I have started the tear down pulled the front bumper and started pulling the trim. I did hit a few spots of the surface rust to see how bad it was and it was in ok shape I have a guy coming to media blast the car with some sort of water glass deal next week and do walnuts on the front plastic.




Head liner looks good for sitting in colorado weather for 10 years



I have stripped the interior and the seats look like new! There is a little rust from water getting in on some of the floor boards but it appears to just be surface rust. the plan is to wire wheel it off treat it and put lizard skin or bed liner over it.



Seats look like new!!



The dash has a cap and I am afraid to take it off I may just glass it in and bed liner over the whole thing to make it look like one piece. I could use some help where are the bolts that hold the dash in can someone point me to a thread that would help????


Also anyone know if this is aftermarket brake master??



this project will move faster then I planned at first the plan is to have a running driving ls1 Z with good paint coilovers and wheels and tires in 6 months.


Then the turbo build will start and the details will start. Budget on this build is 15k over the next 18 months then 5k in details..... over the next few years


I look forward to all the help I know I am going to need in this build and the help you guys are willing to give! Thanks and here we go!

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  On 7/9/2013 at 3:31 PM, ehren said:

cool. i kinda like that paint scheme. lol

Ya I think I am going to pass on the colors that's for sure it will end up with a very close scheme but diff colors 


1) ZR1 cyber grey with the same fender stripes done in black with black rota RBs carbon fiber ZG flares 


2) or option two is white with the same fender stripes done in black and black rota RBs  carbon fiber ZG flares 

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  On 7/9/2013 at 6:10 PM, RebekahsZ said:

I'm loving every dark gray z-car that I see. Looks great with some CF accent pieces.

That is what I am leaning towards ;)


Can you tell if that is a aftermarket brake master above ??

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No, I can't tell, but why does it matter?  Does it work?  Honestly, all of the master cylinders work fine-all this mumbo jumbo you read about what size to use is just so much bench racing BS.  You can just get a new or rebuilt one pretty cheaply if it is shot, just know that rebuilts are hit or miss and may only last a few years.  But, the NEW ones aren't always any better.  PM me if you are having any trouble and want help.

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  On 7/9/2013 at 10:06 PM, RebekahsZ said:

No, I can't tell, but why does it matter?  Does it work?  Honestly, all of the master cylinders work fine-all this mumbo jumbo you read about what size to use is just so much bench racing BS.  You can just get a new or rebuilt one pretty cheaply if it is shot, just know that rebuilts are hit or miss and may only last a few years.  But, the NEW ones aren't always any better.  PM me if you are having any trouble and want help.

Ok thanks, 


I was caught up in the needing a bigger master crap i guess, and it looked aftermarket  so I was thinking I was good. Thanks 

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  On 7/10/2013 at 12:34 AM, 78zstyle said:

Doesn't appear to be an aftermarket BMC. These caps are at least stock.

Ok the caps are printed with Tokico so knowing they make aftermarket parts I just figured they were. but at this point ask long as it works im good. Thanks for the help. Media blasting next week Edited by geno51
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I just read my post-it sounds kind of sassy-not on purpose. There often, but not always, is a size cast into the side of the master cylinder. I think 7/8 is stock. 15/16 is from a zx, 1" is the new (but not really any better thing) from Wilwood. A larger cylinder takes more foot force but your foot moves less distance. If you have your system well bled, the stock size is fine.

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Car is being media blasted tomorrow next pics should be in bare steal 


Also I have sourced a l33 pull out with 60k as the starting point. I am thinking this with z06 intake patroit golds and z06 cam. then 10lbs of boost to start :)

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