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missing, only on freeway!

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I drive the car (79 280zx with an 81 motor and harness) around the city everywhere. i go to and from, car runs perfect and idles at a perfect 800.


i get on the freeway and travel for about 10 minutes or more and it starts missing. i can hear it missing more when i let of the gas just a TAD. when i exit the freeway and hit the red light, my car is stumbling and missing VERY bad. it almosts sounds sick.


i will then proceed to ignore the problem ( i always ignore problems) and drive the car to my destination. within a few minutes, my engine is running smooth and perfect yet again.


now this is driving me up the wall. i cant merely pop the hood and figure out thwn is wrong at idle. it only happens on the freeway and when i exit. now, i cant have somebody in the engine bay while im on the freeway, now can i? is that legal??? hmmmmmmmm *scratching head and rubbing chin*

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David, funny...I just responded to your post on Zdriver...


Hmm...I've heard of alot of TPS issues with our Z's...I wonder if...follow me here...you are loading up on fuel while keeping your foot in a certain position...


Just for giggles, try swapping on another TPS if you have one laying around...

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I had a 83 toyota R22 that did that. I drove me nuts trying to fix it. I would start and run good, it would pull good and idle. It was only in 5th gear at 45 or above under a very light or no load condition put a load on it and it was fine. :confused:

It turned out to be a spark plug. The center electrode was broken in the center of the plug and it would slide back and forth. When it was in it was even with the ceramic insolator and when it was tipped over it would slide out to the ground strap. I chanded the plug and it ran great.

Hope this helps.



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