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Windows update endless reboot loop


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Created this, have my problem resolved. Mods delete please?

Basically what happened was I installed some windows updates, did a reboot. upon the "Updating 3 of 3" after it restarted, it would reboot again before it reached the log on screen.

I don't have a Windows boot CD. If you don't either, I strongly suggest using System Restore. If you don't have it enabled and didn't have a restore point, you are nearly screwed.

I tried starting in Safe Mode, kept going back to that update completion screen and rebooting. I then tried "Start last known stable version" which went to "reverting back to last known stable version" screen, and then kept rebooting, this time trying to revert back to a previous version but never completing it. I then started in Safe Mode CMD. This seemed to have allowed it to revert back, or at least stop it from restarting.

Since all you have is the Command Prompt, type "rstrui.exe", this starts up System Restore. Give it a moment, pick a date to restore back to, and then do it. Saved my ass big time.

Another option I read but didn't want to mess with was getting into the registry and turning off the reboot process. I don't like messing with registry though. You would do that by getting into the Command Prompt, type "regedit" and you'd have to look up the rest as to where to go.

The reason why this happened to me in the first place was because I hadn't updated in a few weeks. Went to update (33 updates) and only 17 were succesful for whatever reason. I rebooted, everything worked fine, still had 16 updates though. Sometimes when I update I get an error code 80070005 which basically means something is preventing the updater from proceeding, whether its a permissions access issue or firewall. I use Comodo as my AV and Firewall and noticed that Trustedinstaller.exe and another .exe kept being blocked when I tried to update. Once I temporarily turned off my firewall, the updates started going through. I installed them, rebooted, and that's when the endless boot loop occurred. I can only assume that it was because I had installed 17 updates of the overall 33 and maybe they were suppose to be done together/in a certain order. Once I fixed this boot loop problem, I tried updating all 33 again, they all were successful, and I'm running alright now.


If I were you, I would use System Restore if you don't have it enabled. It has saved me several times when I was tinkering; this particular time had the potential to screw me good. If you don't have a Windows boot disk, there are other tools you can get for free that you can put on a disk or a USB as a boot drive in these cases. I always hear about Windows boot disks but of all the computers I have owned, I have never received one with it.

Edited by josh817
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