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early 260z to zx distributor wiring

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Hey guys, I am following this post on the zx distributor upgrade to my early 260z



Was just a bit confused, do I need to add a constant positive feed from my battery to the coil? Or should it be from an ignition on switch and where could a source be located?


I have no problem adding a positive wire from my battery to the coil, but just wasn't sure if his diagram was correct. Thanks


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There's some bad information in that thread.  I stopped reading when I saw the thing about the aquarium valve on the vacuum advance hose.  Kind of ingenious but the analysis of how the mechanism operates was incomplete.



Here's a site with some ideas that seems to work well.  You want power when the key is On, and at Start.  Pretty sure if you wired it the way it's shown in that thread, the engine would not turn off with the key.  It's basically "hotwired":  http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html

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Is it really wired that way or you just think it is?  You show constant power to the coil and ignition module, even with the key off.  Makes no sense.  Just use the factory wires at the ballast.   Nice use of color in the drawing though, I can see why it's attractive.

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