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Tuning LT1 PCM


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BOY, what a stupid question! Just kidding :D


I would assume the laptop is hooked up and turned on before power is applied to the ECU. Then when you turn on the IGN, the laptop should receive the signal from the ECU and you should get readings from various sensors, etc.


Never used what you're using so I don't know but I don't think the car has to be running. You told me once that you can't make changes real-time, you have to shut down, make changes offline, and then upload your changes. Which is strange to me unless you can datalog and then view the results later.


Is it start up time now???



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This is probably going to make me sound stupid, but here goes anyway:

When using LT1_Edit, or TunerCat, what is the sequence for getting things going?

When do you hook up the laptop to the PCM?

What level of power to the ECM when hooked up (ign. off with just backup power supplied, or ignition on, or car running. etc).

I am assuming that I would read the PCM, make the required adjustments to the file and write it back to the PCM. Is this correct?


All the help menu's (I'm going to be using TunerCat) are very specific and technical in nature and don't give the basics on hooking things up. Would someone here be able to provide such basic (read Goober) instructions?




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IIRC power levels must be above 11.9v at all times, I think you have something like 200-400ms before you "nuke" the PCM if these conditions are not met. I know a guy who can repair the OBD I PCMs though incase something goes awry.


Tunercat also turns on the FAN #1/#2 relays, when LT1 Edit does not, so I used to unplug my relays before getting down and dirty, to save battery.


Turn your key to the ON POSITION (dont start the car of course), wait about 10 seconds for VATs to do its things (not sure how that will work with a VATs bypass), and then you can read or write to the PCM. This should take about 3 minutes, dont interupt it, make sure there is no powersaving on the laptop etc


Most guys that write the editorials talk about LT1 Edit, the terminology is different but if you know cars you should have no problems, I can 'translate' if need be for anyone.






(good explanation of the sensors etc)







There is an email list too, www.lt1edit.com The Tunercat list is usually pretty dead, but again its the same thing other than terms used to describe fields.

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