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N42 Block Crankcase Fitting Replacement Options


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Have an n42 block without a crankcase fitting on it.  What are the options to replace this besides dropping $100 on one on ebay?


Using search, I can only find one picture where someone on here replaced it with an AN fitting, but no sizing.  Is it hard to remove one from an old block?

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I removed the pipe from a block with a pipe wrench.  Put the wrench on close to the block so as to not crimp the tubing,  Strike the handle of the pipe wrench with a hammer, then push and use a pulling motion as you push it around, it will eventually come out.  When re-installing put a piece of wood over the front of the pipe and use a hammer. 

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once I got it out, it had some deep teeth marks, I had to take a file and smooth it back up.  Painted it and then installed as I mentioned.  It had been in there for 50 years, it was "permanently seated" basically.

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Its just some steel tubing/piping. if your needing to replace one. measure the whole and add a few thousandths and find a pipe the right size to shove it in there.  A metal lathe would help to get a perfect size but you can do sufficient job with a flat file. 

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