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water mist ic sprayer


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anyone try to run a set of spray nozzles over their intercooler to run more boost? i was reading sport compact car and they talk about setting a system up on their rally focus, and ive known that lancers and jdm imprezzas run this setup on their cars from the factory, im putting an l28et car and in the future want to push large psi through it, and just wondering what people have done liek this, just thinking out loud i guess.

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If someone has a home made kit I'd be interested in what you used to get it working well. I know there are some kits, but I think it could be done for far less money, and the aluminum welded tanks are a little over doing it for just holding water and a vacuum.

Do these systems use pumps, or do they just use the boost presure to inject the water?


Are there cheap mechanical or electrical vacuum switches out there? I guess a waste gate could be used as a mechanical arm/lever to open and close something usefull.

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i guess on this side of town i dont need anything like that, but for some reason at the track its always at least 90, i could see it work well there. they use pumps from an rv store with rubber hose to some nozzles to make the water mist, hooked up to a simple switch and the water supply they use a eight gallon summit fuel cell, but i could see using a rather large windshield wiper resevoir or overflow tank instead from a big car like a suburban or something, you would have to fill it more often but thats no big deal, i have heard that with the water injection you can squeeze a few more ponies by using windshield wiper fluid-it contains alcohol in it and helps marginally.

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Guest Anonymous
Originally posted by Dan Juday:

Evaprative cooling. Works great. Won't do you any good in SF though. Humidity is too high there. Only really works well when the air is dry.


Head for the desert Len! emo.gif

Make sure you head for the desert in a few months though, its monsoon like weather now and muggy here, won't help you here either now... :mad: We're using refrig cooling at the moment, but being the great a/c guy he is, Dan is correct when its dry we see at least a 20 deg cooling from evap coolers.





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Be very careful here nono.gif Most Z folks looking to do this are going to try and do it on the cheap and as Lockjaw stated, it must evaporate on the I/C!!! If you install one that does not evaporate, you are going to have water dripping right in the path of your rear wheels. This is why most drag racing sanctions dislike them.

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There's an Aussie automotive site with terrific info, much of it requiring a subscription, that did some terrific testing of this. That article isn't a subscriber page if I could just remember the danged name of the site :( Someone help me out - they also did an AWESOME series on manual boost controllers....


You'll find that the sprayer doesn't work quite like you expect it too BTW. The intercooler is as much heatsink as it is air radiator....

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In a street car, an I/C sprayer is a quick-fix for an inefficient I/C. If the I/C is not efficient enough to cool the charge, it most likely is also inefficient in the flow. Rally cars need might need them because they are at full boost for long periods and the elements they race in sometimes cause the fins to become clogged.


If you are looking to push a lot of boost, the I/C is a pay-me-now or pay-me-later affair. Pay up front for the efficient I/C you need or go for a cheapie then pay again to have it upgraded or for add-ons like being discussed here. An I/C has to be efficient at flow AND getting rid of heat. An I/C built to be efficient at one is more likely to be good at the other also.

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NX system? Well, back to back runs on a ProCharged Mustang resulted in NO difference in power. Mind you they didn't use the actual NX kit they simply took a nearly empty Nitrous bottle and hosed the intercooler down till it was icy. Power differences in that car were negligable and the owner of the car decided that purchasing the NX kit would be a waste of money. YMMV!

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Guest Anonymous

So Scottie, is it fair to say that a top-notch i/c like Spearco running in to the 70-80% will not see any significant efficiency increase or heat dissapation in only mildly humid weather?

-980mak rockon.gif

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