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Nobody laugh... I really want to know about this thing

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Okay, I just stumbled upon this link, and I gotta admit, it looks... INTERESTING, to say the least. Not that I'd plunk down the cash for this, heck, not that I HAVE the cash for this, but it looks like it could actually be a legitimate gizmo. Just wondering if anyone here has one of these, or knows someone who has or has had one, anyone at all who might have some idea if something like this would actually work! Here's the link (found thru another member of HybridZ):




check it out and let me know what you think and don't laugh too hard at me!

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Guest Anonymous

I sent mail querying them if the alternator coming on will negate the HP its supposed to gain, but I think they're FOS... :D

You want 5 hp? Add octane boost, and advance your timing as far as your starter will allow (within reason, lets not lose our mind here). There ya go.





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Guest bastaad525

Heh... riiiiight Jeromio... And I've give you the brooklyn bridge at a great discount. Anyways... I have absolutely NO intention of buying this supercharger thing, not for that little gain for that much money. Not that I even HAVE the cash right now anyways. I was just curious if they actually WORK, as this isn't the first time I've seen one, and though they are pretty gimmicky, when I think about it I have to say that it sounds like it SHOULD work. A very high speed fan could/should be able to draw in air and force it into the engine in much the same method as an actual turbo/supercharger does. That's all a turbo or s/c does anyways... just a fan turning really quick forcing air in there.

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Guest bang847

it probably works.... but why spend so much?? get a electric leaf blower...

as i recall.. the DJ.. installed a gas blower under the hood of his ZX... :D

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Guest bastaad525

But that's the thing Lockjaw, it DOESN"T sound too good to be true... 5-15hp??? That's not much at all, especially not for the price they're asking for the thing. Which makes me think all the more that it probably DOES work.


Now... what's this about a leafblower???

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I've got a true ram air set-up on my 240SX. After some redesigning of the intake scoop (the air was going around the opening instead of into the opening) I found I was able to gain about 1/2 to 3/4 lb of "boost" at the higher end of the speed limits. With that said, the difference was noticable in passing on the highway. If indeed it can supply 1 lb of boost at a useable RPM, then then it would be felt, but again, is it worth the monetary investment.

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Check out the over-the-valvecover cooling fan on the L28ET...looks like a small electric turbo...if one of these were installed up front with its own little air filter and the outlet oriented so that it angled into the main airflow stream, could it have a pulling effect on the main column of air upsteam of it? DAW

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Guest gprix1

It's an interesting idea. There are definately technoligies in the future that will make our engines today look crude in comparison. Take for example electromagnetic valves, they never made it to production (yet) but you can be sure something like that will come along. F1 cars currently use air to operate their valves (no springs).


As for this eRAM, if they could use some of the new electric motor technoligies (full floating with control box to change from + to - rather than com's and brushes) you might get some serious thrust out of it but it would be WAY expensive. I do appreciate that they aren't claiming crazy horepower gains which makes me believe that their claimed 5 - 15 HP gains is probably legitimate.


Bottom line; would I buy it? I seriously doubt it but if someone gave me one I would definately give it a try.

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Guest Anonymous

I donno, the gas leaf blower sounds like a good idea, you get the extra ring ding sounds on top of your motor sounds and its probably about the best use of a leaf blower I can think of. (why blow leaves into the street only to have cars blow them back on your lawn? Vacuum em man, Vacuum em.) :D


Rick, I saw MIT use electromechanic solenoids mounted above the springs on a SBC and this was loads of years ago. Imagine how cool it'd be to use a 'virtual' camshaft from the computer controlling fuel maps, boost, camshaft timing, ignition timing etc. Vtech, pulleeezze, I got your Vtech hanging.. :D





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Guest Perry

it might get you 1 psi. I have thought about the electric super charger idea and I know a major turbo manufacturer is working on a turbo which has electric assist at low rpm. To go truly electric I would bet you need at least 3hp, probably more like 5hp, which would require about 200-300 Amps or more of current. you could do it with a good battery and a real high amp alternator but it would take some development to make it reliable and it would weigh a lot. of course you could have full boost off idle.


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Guest bastaad525

LOL you know... you guys have now got me in serious thought every time I pass by someone using a leaf blower... and giving them looks that I'm sure they're wondering "what the heck is that guy staring at???". You know... I had heard reference to the setup in that little honda hybrid, the one that looks kinda like a CRX, they said that the setup was actually best compared to an electric supercharger... not exactly sure why though, but basically the car always runs on it's little four cylinder motor, and then, when needed, the secondary electric kicks in and adds like 30hp on top of the four bangers 60-some hp. And nets approximately SEVENTY mpg's ... anyways just thought that was kinda interesting. I thought that that hairdryer thing on the side of my L28 was a turbo for the longest time... heheh man was I bummed when the Haynes manual politely corrected me. Anyways... now I'm on the lookout for a good way to get some boost into my 240 with SU's... I know the options are limited but the idea is intriguing...

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Guest gprix1


You are thinking the same thing I am on that one. A computer controlled, infinintly variable, valve control system would be HUGE!!! At wide open throttle you could program some crazy-ass settings that haven't even been thought of (compared to cams) and still idle better than the mildest cams available. The programming would be very similiar to the "maps" used in fuel injection today.



Electric assisted turbo weird.gif Me likes it 2thumbs.gif That could be a real solution to turbo lag. very cool stuff cheers.gif

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