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What is the loudest BOV on the market?


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I am curently geting the parts together to put a super cheapo backyard turbo kit on my 4-banger Pontiac Fiero. one thing that I don't mind spending money on is the BOV. I want everyone to know I got boost. I want to sound like a Suzuki Escudo on grand turismo 2 :D


I've got a RFL BOV on my truck and it's very loud, is there one thats louder? I assume the amount of boost I run will also affect how loud the BOV is. Right? I run 5-8psi in my truck, but will rarely if ever go past 5psi in the Fiero.

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The Turbo XS type H is the loudest I"ve ever heard.


That is what I have. Like Really loud!!! think transport truck air brake release.. just louder!


My buddy was driving in front of me.. 100ft.. he could hear me shift and let the BOV go off!!! eek2.gif


I have a short vid clip of my car on the track (in car) and you can easily hear the BOV. Its 2.08 megs. drop me an email if you want a copy.


I love it! every turbo guy around has been totally blown away how it sounds... They can here me down the street as i shift... even before they see me.


Scares the crap out of people on the sidewalks....sometimes I love to wait and shift just I pass people.. on the sidewalk or in cars...just to see them jump! hehe flamedevil.gif

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Hey zr8ed, I think that the TurboXS Type H RFL is the newest breed of loud BOV's that their offering. I remember seeing the one you have on your Z but I checked just yesterday and I don't think they sell those anymore. They advertise that their Type H RFL line is the loudest in the industry. Can't wait to get mine in the mail burnout.gif

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Originally posted by slownrusty:

1FASTKINGCAB - how is the VG Turbo running in the truck - have not heard any updates in a while? Hope its coming together well.



Well, I had to rush it together near the end because I lost my job. Because of that I didn't get to do some things the way I would have liked to. 1) I had to use both the stock exhaust manifolds W/ the turbo mounted east-west on the X-over pipe on the front of the motor. I wanted to only reuse the pass. side manifold and use a custom peice on the driver side with the turbo mounted north-south where the A/C compressor was, alot more like it is in a 300ZX. I also wanted to put a real clutch in before I put the truck on the road but I ran out of time & money. The clutch that's in there now is a stock nissan clutch (poor thing) which severely limits the trucks proformance, I can feel it start to slip a soon as the boost gauge passes 3-4psi, it slips VERY bad when trying to pass on the highway in 5th. must smell prety bad behind me smile.gif . I've got about 1500 miles on the truck with the turbo. The only problem I have had is sometimes, rarely but it does happen, when I shift the check engine light will come on and the truck will stall. I think it's the BOV venting and screwing with the MAF & stock ECM.


The Turbo XS BOV is loud, I don't know about 100ft though. Higher boost must make it louder. You can hear my truck a good 20-30feet. I've got is set soft so it even vents a little at idle smile.gif


I have seen some BOV's HKS & Blitz I think, that have some sort of megaphone on them. I guess I was wondering if they where louder than the Turbo XS BOV. I guess not.


What I'm gona do is put the Fiero on the road while I put a clutch in the truck and get a new manifold & X-over pipe fabricated. Then put the truck back on the road and take the Fiero off the road and throw a T3 on it :D I'll also get some pics up of the truck once I get the turbo on there nice. It's far too ratty right now to share with the world smile.gif


I Guess I should change the last line of my sig to "And running :D " smile.gif

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loud BOV is good, stalling because it vents at idle is bad, thats why i went with the HKS SSQV, it costs a bit more, but does not vent at idle because of the pull type mechanism and the adjustment screw lets you tighten it to the extreme, so that when it vents between shifts its for the shortest amount of time possible. on the vg30det ecu you can get away with one that vents a little by messing with idle, the L28et ecu is less tolerant of it.

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In 1500 miles it's only staled twice, only while shifting from one gear to another, never at idle. I can live with it. I'll see how it does with a good clutch and perhaps a I/C so I can turn up the boost and if it still stalls from time to time then I'll worry about it. That is unless it doesn't affect proformance. If it only happens when I drive like a little old lady then I sill won't worry about it. If I put a stifer spring in it it won't vent at idle either, I just have is set soft so it's louder when shifting. Someone put it to me like this, every time I shift and the BOV vents it's like giving my MAF a swift kick in the gut. sometimes I just knock the wind out of it. right or wrong it makes sense to me.

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If you didn't know, the Turbo XS type H is adjustable with washers. If you didn't get them with your bov then I can get the size for you. Anyways, all you do is drop another washer to set the preload a little stronger and that may fix some issues.

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Guest empracing

i saw a car with 2(two)!! of those huge vortec bovs and it was so loud when they discharged it nearly deffend me! it was attached to a bloody 540 chev with 2 turbos but! hehe

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