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Can't believe I finally figured it out!

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After almost 6 months I finally figured it out. I notcied last night that I have 4 valves open at TDC instead of 2 like I'm supposed to have. I thought about it all day today and figured out the only way this could be is if the pin on the front of the cam had broken and the pully had turned faster than the cam and then seized together. SUre enough, I pull the cam pully off and the pin is broke. Apparently when it died so many months ago the cam had broken. Apparently when it wouldn't crank at first, the pully was spinning but not the cam and when it finally cranked, the cam must have cought somewhere on the pully and started turning. The crans cam is coming out tonight and stock going back in it for the time being until I can get ahold of crane and see about replacing it. What a load off to finally figure the crap out after this long.


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Isnt it weird; even tho you have consciously given up unconsciously your mind is still working full time on it.


Kind of like the cliche, "Nature abhors a Vacuum". Well, our minds dont seem to terribly great at letting unsolved issues go.


I have solved many an automotive mystery simply by sleeping on it over night. Then the next day go out to only to think about a variable I had not thought of before.


Congrats on figuring out your problem.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Hey, JT!


I'm glad you figured out what was happening. Like Kevin, I sometimes have to sleep on a problem before the answer comes to me. Then it's like, "Dummy, why didn't you think of that!"


I'm sorry the cam pin sheared off. Like Lockjaw, I'm thinking that some valve/piston clearance problems probably toasted some (if not all) of your valves. And Crane is probably responsible for ONLY replacing the cam, leaving you to pay for the rest of the issues that their faulty cam caused.


Please, let us know what they decide do about it. It would be an interesting lesson in corporate ethics...

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I only wish it had messed up some valves. If it had I would have found the problem 6 months ago. First thing I did was a compression test. Put the stock cam in and the car is a complete beast again. So nice to be able to drive the car after being so frustrated with it for so long. I'm going to call crane Monday and see what they say. After closer inspection of the cam, the pin didn't break off, it just slipped out somehow. I would have put it back in a left in the cam but the pin rode on the face of the cam after it came out and ate a groove all around it. I hope they will replace it.


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