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Maryland Driving Laws now being decided on....


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The good news:


Thank goodness, some kind person is trying a "move right to let someone pass law":



Now the bad:


They've tried it before, but here we go again. Photo Radar and mailing people speeding tickets. If you live in MD, please email or call you state senators and reps to let them know you'd like them to vote AGAINST this bill. Only in the senate now:



I've already emailed my senator. It was presented in the state senate and house last year and killed. Let's make sure that happens again.

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They have had speeding ticket cameras in DC for quite some time. The only good thing is they don't move them.


I have noticed that the red light cameras always use a flash, even in the day. I had the idea of sheilding my plates with something like an electronic welding helmet lens that would darken when flashed, but look normal under constant light. The other idea is placing a couple of strobe lights next to the plate and have them trigger on the flash. Might white out the picture of your plates.


The BEST idea I have had is to swap plates with your boss's car for a day, then see how many tickets you can ring up.

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Good news on the "stay right unless passing" bill - it got a favorable review in the house recently and I believe it was actually adopted. I'm not sure but I think now the governor needs to just sign it into law? Gotta study up on my state government processes - shame on me for not knowing!

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