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This post is much more serious than my last one. Take a look at this http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_0701-0750/sb_708_bill_20030221_introduced.html :evil::evil::evil: this change will most likely be voted on by March 25th 2003 and will have a detrimental effect on all California HybridZ'ers.


Please take a couple of minutes to find out more http://www.enjoythedrive.com/content/?id=31171 and do your part to help get this turned down http://www.congressweb.com/framesets/sema.htm.



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Outside of CA you can contact your own congressmen and tell them of your dissatisfaction with what CA is trying to do and see if you can get them to apply some peer presure to the CA polititions. Also get involved with your local car clubs, the stronger the car clubs are the more pull they have.


Read up on the information posted on the SEMA website http://www.enjoytheride.com so that you can be better informed of what is going on not only in CA but in every other state as well.



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looks like I'm moving out of CA before 2005!




Do you realize what this will do to the performance industry in california? it will be devastated. Imbeciles pushing pens, why dont we have REAL people in the government? gotta love puppets on strings and radical idiots.

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Guest greimann

Remember guys, this is just proposed legislation, submitted by one state Senator that has a bug up his butt. Far from being law. Look up and write your senator and send him a well written, logical letter as to why this legislation is not in the best interest of California car enthusiasts.


More than likely the bill will be shot down, but do your part too. As soon as I complete my letter, I'll post it.

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Guest spunkysandoval

I don't believe this piece of legislation will make it very far. The pressure that sema will apply in opposition of this law will far outweigh it's meager benifits. Sema is a large organization, and plays a large role in the making of governmental policy concerning cars. If you remember what they did to modify the exhaust sound level, then i'm sure you will be able to see my point. This congressman was simply acting to gain support from some interest group.


I will no doubt watch this closely, and i would contact my congressman, but they usually pay no mind to seventeen-year-olds. Ohh in just a few months, i will be able to vote. I eagerly await the day. :bonk:

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I understand that this is one person who is playing nice nice to a special interest group but what is of concern here is that it was known for a long time that when we reached the 'date' that was on the original SB 708 an ammendment would be written by someone to 'update' the bill. It is very important that we make our represintatives aware of our feelings on this in order to avoid having one of them swayed by some special interest group (besides us).


Here is a copy of the letter that I have written, I did not put the name of my rep because I am faxing it to all the reps for San Diego County rather than just one person:


This letter is concerning the proposed amendment to SB 708. I would like to let you know that I am steadfastly against this amendment. There is no justifiable reason to punish the owners of classic cars in an effort to meet clean air requirements, it is well known that the majority of the cars that will be affected by this bill are very well maintained and seldom driven. My suggestion is that you look into taking care of the air at the primary source (large businesses that buy up air “credits†so they don’t have to lower their emission levels) and allow the general public to enjoy their mobility and their hobbies.


Please represent us by voting against SB 708. I would like to know that I made the correct choice in my vote.


Thank you,


Miles Gray


President Z Club of San Diego



If anyone else would like to use this with their name I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with constructive critisism of my writing skills - just be aware its to late to make changes in it now.



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Miles, that is a great letter to use as a model to send to our senators. Proposed bills like this always make the hair stand up on the back of my neck---they push and push until finally they pass it into law when no one is looking. Or they push and push until parts of the bill get put into law, chipping away at freedom and liberty as we know it... :sour:



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