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gas leaks from the float sender seal -DOH!!!!

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i changed the fuel gas sender unit (looks like a toilet float) and after I securely (or so i thought) installed the new working one into place, I went to fill up. next thing i know, i see gas spilling out, but it stopped once it got to about 3/5th.


what can i do about this? Where can i buy a seal or how can i make one? I have tried bending the edges of the metal 'cap' and even tried using a sealer but i know i need to start all over and do it right. (but what is the right way????????) thanks for any help...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

Dear Red;


Since 3/12/03 and still no answers? I bet you fixed it by now But.....Make sure the screws are pulling the cover down tight against the tank surface because no gas should be able to escape from there under any conditions. Something is drastically wrong with your assembly procedure I would say! If you have already bent the cover plate then all is up for grabs and like you say.....start over with a new one. If it still does this then I would add anothergasket. If it persists then I pass (unless the tank flange has been indented)! The addition of a fuel resistant sealer again might finish it off, if you get it on the right side of the gasket (put sealer on both sides.

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thanks alot for the advice guys! NO, I havent totally fixed it yet, im gonna pull the gas tank (again!) after I get home from work. It doesnt leak as long as I don't fill it up more then half way, but I hope to fix it by this sunday. Wish me luck guys, i'll need it. :D

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