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spacers to raise car

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i have a 240z with aftermarket springs and it's really low

i want to keep the springs i have but raise the car up a bit

i think i have heard before of some sort of spacers that came on the 280z near the top of the shock tower that can be used on the 240z

does anyone know anything about this or have any other ideas of what i can do to raise my car up a little

i don't need to much more height, just enough to stop scraping the exhaust pipe


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Last Nov I purchased Lone in AZ's unfinished project Z, who also lives in Mesa. He had added several spacers to the front and rear springs to keep it from bottoming out. Concept marginal...ride stiff. My advice; only use them as a last resort. Mikelly, Pete Paraska and/or BlueOvalZ can most likely direct you in the best direction.


Comps, VAN

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