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best way to remove black paint from a turbo valve cover?


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ok i would like to hear any and all advice on how to do it! So far I have tried: using sand paper (takes wayyy too long), a paint stripper that worked so-so but left many areas that won't come off, and a homemade flamethrower :-D (dont laugh! i thought it would just burn in off, but it didnt help a bit) Obviously none has worked good.


any ideas? If anybody knows how to do this the easy way, please share! thanks.

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definitely aircraft remover, available at autozone and pepboys as well as any auto paint supply house, do your self a favor and buy the aerosol, seems to penetrate better and less mess, be carefull though that stuff burns, and will eat anything plastic or rubber, just spray it on and when it gets all wrinkley scrape as mush off as you can and hose the rest off, if there are still spot do it again, water neutralizes it so keep water handy, when you get some on your arm you'll know why

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this stuff rocks! but only buy it in the spray can form.


wear goggles, gloves, long sleeves, and long pants. do it outside in the sun, and let the part heat up in the afternoon....the stuff works best on parts between 70-100 degrees. ive used it on alum, steal with no ill effects. just be sure to clean the part really really well prior to any re-painting or powder coating.


dont buy the kleen strip crap...it doenst work near as well as aircraft remover.



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