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2f squared

Guest Anonymous

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You know, my son is dying to see this movie and it sure seems geared towards his eight-year old sensibilities. So why the hell is it R Rated?


A damn shame, although it does give me a nice excuse not to have to go see it.....

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Guest livewire23

it's rated R? well damn, I would've never believed it. I don't think there's a reason, I saw the movie, and there isn't anything I wouldn't let a 14 year old see, with supervision of course. I dunno about an 8 year old.

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I'm pretty sure it is PG13... Mr. Skin was commenting on that on Thursday's Don and Mike Radio Show... :lol:


I already have a turbo timer for the project so they won't have to worry about "Coking" the turbo after they slide to a stop and Jump out AFTER they Jump the bridge... :D


Now, We all know this is no less science fiction than a Star Trek Movie, maybe even more so. But here is my fear: Some kid is gonna see these stunts and try to pull his best 2F2F moves on the highway.


This happened:

In 1982 my Best friend and I were coming home from a high school football game when we came towards a train track crossing. My friend was driving his 71 Plymoth Duster, and he floored the throttle, wrung out the little 318 and we set sail across those tracks... :shock: We landed the jump and drove home, happy and feeling "To COOL" like Bo and Luke Duke. Three weeks later he loaned his car to a buddy who was driving at normal speeds on a back country road. A ball joint on the right front wheel gave way :shock: and the poor guy rolled the car three times, took a trip to the hospital for a broken arm and fractured ankle and my buddy Dwayne lost his pride and joy. Gee, I wonder HOW THAT BALL JOINT FAILED :roll: ??? Couldn't possibly have had anything to do with JUMPING RAILROAD TRACKS, now could it...??? :shock::roll::shock:


Yea, I'm nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs after my boys going to see that movie! :shock:


Mike :wink:

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Guest livewire23

amazing how 3 cars jumped the bridge, 2 of them were more or less undamaged, except one of them lost control afterwards. And the third one only broke her fender and maybe dented her radiator. I was just waiting for one to have a head-on with the ground, and just flip over. The engine should've been squashed 3 in. thick.


It was good that they showed that stang being squashed by the 18 wheeler, that should keep kids from trying to race between 18 wheelers. Although some people still do feel invincible.

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Yup, it is definitely PG13.

I don't know about y'all, but I don't go to see movies for the reality....that is the point of movies...reality break. Just let yourself get into the movie and don't wory about the accuracies of the movie. If I want to see something accurate, I'll watch a documentary on TV. Just my 2c worth....FWIW


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Thank you, Tim, for pointing that out. I went to see the movie on Friday night. I promptly checked my brain at the door and enjoyed an hour and a half action movie. It was an entertaining movie not a documentary on the street racing scene.


If it were a documentary there would have been 5000 people telling each other "I have a T66 and nitrous at home in my garage....."


But I digress.



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