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Brake pulling

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about two or three months ago i noticed my driver side brakes weren't really doing there job the car was pulling a little to the right when the brakes were pressed. After bleeding the brakes it helped but still pulled and gradually got worse. The pads were in good condition so that wasn't the problem. So i replaced both calipers on the front of the car w/ new pads and new rotors. I bleed the brakes and began to wear them in after about a month the pulling was twice as bad as ever, large amounts of brake dust show up on the passenger wheel but none were on the driver. I figured they must have sent a faulty caliper and switched it out for another new one. After the pads finally broke in on the driver side the braking improved quite a bit, but still pulls to the right a little.


I was under the impression the way the car is setup is the master cylinder controls both backs and both fronts? so y would my driver side front caliper not be working properly if the right front is?

Is there a hydraulic balance adjustment i'm not aware of?




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On later 240Zs there is a pressure switch under the master cylinder that triggers the brake light and sometimes has a prop valve in it. Occaisionally those have been known to cause intermittent front wheel lockup. Its rare but it might be one thing to check.


Also, check your TC rod bushings and ball joints.

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The stock Z suspension has no adjustment that would significantly affect pulling to one side (caster and camber). Try swapping the fronts wheels left to right (tire wear can many times affect pulling to one side, even new tires can do this!!).

As John said, check your TC rod bushings for wear and replace if necessary.

Check your rotors for thickness (even both sides), and runout.

Also, if you haven't done so already, replace the flexible brake lines, if one side is bulging, then the brakes won't be as effective on that side, and check that the hard lines aren't kinked somewhere.



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I'll check the TC rod bushings tomorrow. But the rotors are brand new maybe 1500 miles max on them. And i have stainless steel lines, but i will check for a kink you might be on to something there. Although i would think i would have noticed that when bleeding... never hurts to check.


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I'll check the TC rod bushings tomorrow. But the rotors are brand new maybe 1500 miles max on them. And i have stainless steel lines, but i will check for a kink you might be on to something there. Although i would think i would have noticed that when bleeding... never hurts to check.


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