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Woo-Hoo I just got power steering in my 73 LS1 powered 240 Z

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Well not realy power steering, but it fells like it. Removed front bumper 34Lb's, AC system 55 lb's, relocated battery to the rear 38 lb's. That's 127lb's off the front end. The front end was about 1 inch higher, and the steering fills a LOT lighter! Any body know of any other pratical weight reductions? How about that little vapor recoverery tank on the right rear of the car? Is that tank and hoses really needed?

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You can replace the headlight buckets with fiberglass ones if you have the steel ones. You can replace glass headlights with plastic ones. You can remove the dash and use a sheetmetal one. You can get rid of all interior trim and carpeting, passenger seat, fuel tank, etc. You can replace your seat with a carbon fiber one. You can replace the front fenders with fiberglass ones. You can replace the glass with plexiglass; that will take a bunch of weight off the car.



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Guest Anonymous

OK go ahead and make fun of me but I have to ask.

Does the helium really take 10lbs off the weight of the car???? in the tires I mean??? any weight??

GO AHEAD ! SAY IT :malebitchslap: :lol:

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Fine job, I've tried it all. including replacing the seats with cardboard boxes filled with helium balloons, and stuffing the doors (after removing the inside panels, and all the glass) with more balloons , but now I'm having trouble getting the tires to touch the ground and I have to tether the car to parking meters with a rope. I could tie my grand mother (a tiny little old lady)across the hood but she most likley will get cranky after a couple of hundred miles. :D I can't remove anyof the balloons because I am a true believer in airbags for safety. Please advise. :?


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Guest zfan

I also found that if you timed a great big fart to let loose at the same time as mashing the accelerator to the floor you will drop 2 tenths off your e.t's. :D No charge of course for the secret race info.


Just don't try to draft off me :D



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I also found that if you timed a great big... [fart'] ...to let loose at the same time as mashing the accelerator to the floor you will drop 2 tenths off your e.t's.., Mike


Perhaps you should use the word "Flatulent" over fart; remember, this is a respectable JOINT we run here! :roll:



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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