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First real kill

Cody 82 ZXT

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I finally got to see what my car can do with latest round of mods. Last night while coming home from Caddo Lake in East Texas we were next to a LS1 Trans Am. We had been just following each other for about 2 hours when we had btoh had enogh and got side by side with traffic far enough ahead. At about 70 mph we both hit the gas. I was was in third gear for just a second then shifted into fourth and left him. I had a full tank of gas and a bunch of junk in the hatch that we had for the day the lake. Needless to say the car was a little heavier than it's normal race weight. After taking him for the second time he rolled down his window and gave me thumbs up. I guess he was surprised my old Datsun was that fast. He proublably thought this will be easy and look good for his girl. He sure got a surprise. It took me about an hour to come down off that high.

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The motor itself is very basic just a J/Y motor with new bearings, timing gear, valve job, and a clean up pass on the head, lightened stock Fywheel. The new stuff is the JWT computer and the 3" manderal downpipe. Lests just say those two mods really transformed the car. The car is so much stronger than it ever was before. I can't wait to get to the track again this summer since I installed a LSD and have a better feel for what I can do with the car.

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Know what you mean Cody. I came up behind a "sleeper Mustang" this morning. Looked like a POC older model until I listened and then noticed no visible exhaust pipes. Anyway - he took off which kind of surprised me since I was behind him so I pushed it down in 5th and stayed with him until I got some open road to the right and then caught & passed him. The bummer about the synchro problem in 5th is that I can't drop it down to 4th and then back up to 5th if I'm in a hurry without regrinding the gears. Got to get the T56 fixed!

Anyway - congrats on the kill. Gotta love picking on the F bodies & 'stangs!

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Ha ha...me too...I get the typical Honda or Neon that some kid just bought. I guess they put an intake and exhaust and expect the world to bow down to them. I look at them, laugh a little, and drive on. No sense in wasting your gas on a race that's already won, right? :D

But....look out for the sleepers, there're out. :-D:wink:



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Guest cbrunberg

Great kill story!


Like some of the others I don't get that many muscle cars gunning for me. My car still looks like s@#t!. Although I have a neighbor in a CRX that he thinks is fast. He's always stopping in the road when I'm working on my 240 asking to race. I just smile. His wife said I'm scared. Well the other day I was making a few adjustments when he walked up. I closed the hood and said "want to go for a ride?". We drove down the road a ways nice and slow (he was board). When I came to a tight little cloverleaf that goes to an ovepass with a great straight right after, I hammered it. I've never laughed so hard in my life seeing him white knukle the dash. We stopped at a frontage road I stalled up and went through the gears. He says he doesn't want to race anymore. Now I catch him telling his friends how fast my car is and he stopped bragging about his.





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