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280 still holds its own ;)


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*i do not condone street racing* yet...


get off work tonight, minding my own business and see this mustang gt in front of me. not a big deal, so i continue to sit at the light (gt in front of me at light). i look in the rear view and see headlights swerve into my lane. interesting. so light turns and eventually those headlights get around me and i see its an acura integra with exhaust (probably more mods...sounded pretty good for 'teg ;)). anywho, the teg takes off and the gt goes off after him, through traffic. i take off after them just to see where this ends at. well it ends at a red light, all three of us lined up. i look over at the 'teg. its a guy and his girl...he's slowly rolling backwards (slight incline). i say "nice ac". she smiles and he goes in a very weird accent, "is that a datsun?". i smile and say yes. i look over at the gt, give him the thumbs up...and i get a smile and head nod in return (odd for a domestic guy :)). light turns, 'teg owner backs out of it...probably because of the girl. me and gt go at it. definitely was an auto, i took him but we had another light coming up...so not too much of a race. he turns. one of the cleanest 240SX's pulls up next to me. i saw "whoa...very nice 240 man". he goes "that 280 isnt too shabby either." that brings big smile to my face. light turns...we're dead even...all the way until my speedo pegs. we shutdown. give the thumbs up. continue on my way home :) DIDNT HAVE VID CAM WITH ME :( oh well...the 280 still has some juice left in this worn out engine ;) sorry to rant...

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Way to go man! :2thumbs::cheers: Those GT's(4.6L?) aren't too slow(well their not fast though either! :D )


Do you have a 5 speed?My 280ZX with the straight six and 3 speed auto and only 110,000 miles on it sure couldnt keep up with a GT. The main problem with that auto is that 1st was geared so high that I didnt even pick up speed until I hit about 3500rmps, then once it hit 2nd I could hold my own! :D I really hated that AUTO!!!




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My '83Zx has just over 205,000 on it right now and runs very well for an NA motor. It has surprised more than its share of ricers who thought their fart can would give them the edge they needed to school me. Guess who was the teacher!?!

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