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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Ya rd350's are great I had alot of fun with mine as a bike and look forward to alot of fun with it as a lawn tractor. The other day I decided I would take it around the yard. (no brakes yet)thought I could just idle it around in first(with a 1:1 sprocket ratio) so I started out went to the end of the driveway and turned around. and thought oh lets give it a little throttle...Big mistake no brakes and a rubber band as a throttle return It took off spining the rear tires, got traction and pulled a wheelie luckly the front tire bearings were so wore out when it came down the left wheel came off and dug into the dirt and stoped me 15 feet (and one second) from the barb wire fence. Took awhile before my heart stopped racing. still it was a blast and can't wait for the new front end and brakes.


P.s. Don't try this at home :eek:

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Guest Anonymous

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