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trying to identify this turbo

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Guest shuyun

I could not get you link to work.


does it look like mine?



The info i have found about Rayjay's is that Rayjay (usualy an aircraft turbo) was bught by Garrett (early eighties). My Rayjay setup was done to Tom's Turbo and the local turbos shop was able to identify it but it was as is not updates. And Parts are EXPENSIVE!!!!!

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That would be a rajay with an E compressor and turbine housing, probably a 60 AR turbine.


Not the best spooling turbo out there, and I would look for something else. Not to mention, it should be a T4 flange, which won't work with the ZXT manifold without some mod work.


I had one, it made great top end power, but there was no such thing as shortshifting, and having boost. Newer models are much more responsive.


The pic doesn't work either.

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The BAE Kit with Rayjay turbo was the first turbo I had on my Z.


I bolted that 7 psi kit onto my brand new '77 and proceded to kick some butt around Southern Maryland.


I still have the square - port exhaust manifold and "turn-up" adaptor to mount that turbo, and Rayjay wastegate with flanges welded to manifold if anyone's interested. It's sort of been hanging around my shop as a doorstop for years.


I swapped the supplied .82 turbine housing for the .6 and, along with the addition of the external wastegate that turbo's spoolup was pretty good!

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Man that thing is nasty, and I can't tell from the pic, but it looks like there is oil in the compressor houring. Not good. It is also the T4 flange, so you will have to come up with a modded manifold, or an adapter or something.


Parts are expensive for those too. I would pass unless it is really cheap, and you can get some sort ogf guarantee it is rebuildable without having to replace the shaft.

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