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Interesting Turbo day...

Guest szlash280z

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Guest szlash280z

I was coming home today after picking up my son in the Turbo. It was raining and I came to a corner, I took it slow but the car understeered really bad for some reason (my control arm bushings are shot, maybe that caused it) after making the turn, every gauge died, but the speedo and the boost. All the lights were still on, and the car kept running fine. Hmm... that's odd I say, but for some reason I decided not to stop. I kept going and entered into creepy crawly rush hour traffic. Not really a good idea when your gauges aren't working. So I am creeping along, hoping that my Electric fan was working and my engine wasn't overheating. But then I started to hear loud tapping (I have a P90A hydro head) it makes that noise when the oil pressure doesn't come up soon enough and after doing crazy burnouts and the car gets really hot. So I get worried that it is overheating and finally crawl out of traffic to check it. My gauges are still not working at this point. so I just sit in the rain and wait, sweating my nutz off. The rain let up slightly and I go wiggle the fusible links and get back into the car, my gauges worked again and verified that my engine was about to overheat because my E-fan stopped along with the gauges. So I wait it out some more, then started it up again. The tapping was gone, so I decided to try to go home again. The car made it just fine, but man what an interesting ride home...


Lesson learned, make an extra switch to turn on the Efan in emergencies if the fusible links cut out again. man that sucked! I almost had to rebuild my head again!

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Glad to hear you got out of the jam without causing too much damage. I bet your son was just loving it! haha. Dad out in the rain, working on the car again :D That's one of the reasons i got rid of those damn fusible links when i did the cut over...PITA.

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Guest szlash280z

I had been chasing a problem with my fusible links a while back BT (before Turbo!). The engine would occasionally just die while driving it around, the tach would drop to zero and the gauges would stop working. Sometimes the car would just fire back up on it's own before I stopped to fix it. I would go to the bay and wiggle harnesses and connectors and the fusible links and the car would start back up. While wiggling other connectors my arm must have been hitting the F-link bracket and making the connection then stuff would click on and off, this made me think it was the other connectors instead of the links. Finally, after it died again I was wiggling the false connectors and it just wouldn't start! I was stalled at night in front of a drunken old dudes house and he was harrassing me. I had the key in the run position while I was checking things with the multimeter, the links kept checking out good but the car wouldn't start. With the key ON I started wiggling the links and noticed sparks coming out of a short in the small gauge wire the PO had installed! AH HA! when I wiggled that wire, everything would click like it was doing when my arm was hitting the bracket. I rigged up the car and limped it home, then replaced the link a few days later. I haven't had any problems until yesturday. Maxi fuses are on the way shortly! Fusible links suck!

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