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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

This is a public service announcement.


I'm a dentist. One of the most common emergency calls I get in the summer is from parents whose kids have just knocked out or broken there front teeth. I saw 3 nine year olds labor day weekend. I just saw a kid (9 yrs old) who knocked out both of his front teeth this past Friday. Mom didn't call until Tuesday. We now have kid who will have to have extensive dental work sometimes in the future. It would have been a straight foward procedure to reimplant those teeth soon after it happened. So if you child should knock out a tooth, follow these steps and save your kid a lot of hassel and expense in the future.


1. Find the tooth


2. Put the tooth in milk, water, or your mouth. Need to keep it moist. Do not wash it or scrub it.


3. Call your dentist. The sooner the tooth is put back in the mouth the better the long term success will be. If you can't get to a dentist, rinse the tooth and place it back in the socket. Not the best option but at least the tooth has a chance.



One more suggestion, next time you have your child at the dentist, ask what if any type of weekend and holiday emergency coverage is in place.




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