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I couldnt help it....


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I was returning home form my extremely uneventful trip to get the pizzas, when this modestly riced out civic appears in my rearview mirror...


I see him punch it and begin his flyby manuever... I let him fly past me and get about 10 car length on me before i punch it. The Z downshifts and begins to give that beautiful V8 roar. I close the gap faster than you can say V-tec power. Like a precision machine the Z matches his acceleration for a moment , then i pull back and slam the gas pedal to pop the secondarie's open (which were LATE) and leap ahead by about 3 car lengths and i shut the run down. I had already handed him his smug face back in a little brown lunch bag marked "mommas precious little baby".


We come to the next stop sign and i take off smooth, not racing him at all. I look in the mirror and see him letting the gap lengthen, then punch it in another attempted fly-by manuever, I repeat the same scene as before, but instead of just flying by i got 1/2 a length on him and shifted to neutral (the speed was getting stupid) . He swerves in front of me and proudly give me a one finger salute... a**hole.


I handed it to him, and showed him up not once, not twice, but three times. And then he has the audacity to give me the finger?


No respect... Sore losers suck.




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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Actually Joe, your first mistake was this statement
modestly riced out civic
Is that possible?


Hee hee, I raced a riced Civic in my truck the other day. Must have had about 300VHP (virtual horsepower) :P . You know, the 150 HP wing, 35 HP Folgers exhaust, 50 HP tail lights and I think he even had twin 30 HP clear marker lights! :eek2:




I was returning home form my extremely uneventful trip to get the pizzas....


So that's it! He saw the Pizzas and thought you were trying to beat him to his next customer! :lol:

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I said modestly riced out because he had 17 inch rims (4 of them! lol) and there were only 2 little stickers on the windows.


I dont know if the car was stock beyond that, I couldnt hear anything over my v8... :-)


I'm not even getting WOT... :-)


Yeah, you really cant expect much out of a rice boy. I think it is funny that he is now probably going to go around telling all of his friends that he wasted a Z car... :roll:


It really isnt even worth showing them up... it is just extremely hard to fight the temptation.


Nic: He didnt have V-TEK!? did he? 'cuz iffen he did, you woulda hadda bow DOWN! tada HONDUH POWAH


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My experience with a Honda driver was much better. Guy in a nice Prelude slowly slides past me on the right (4 lanes each way), stuck his arm out the window and gave my car a big thumbs up. I was cruising in 6th at the time so I figured the Thumb was for how the car looked, and since he was so nice about it, I decided to show him it wasn't all looks. Caught up with him slowly and then when I was beside him I downshifted from 6th to 4th. That got him looking again so I downshifted to 3rd and cut the LS1 loose. A solid squall in third and then a loud chirp going into 4th at 95. Never did see him again.

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I think that i met the SAME riced civic again tonight... and i handed it to him even harder this time! The Z LOVES 70* weather... i managed to get full throttle in 4th gear by manually shifting the tranny... wow... super duper scary crazy amazing fast.


But, alas, i am nearly out of gas (heh, geegollydarn, i'm a poeet.) And i must quit wasting it upon the undeserving. plus speeding is dumb.....


I need to get to a dragstrip...



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Had one rev on me last night with his viscious fart pipe a roarin...Twice he did it to me and I could only look over at him and laugh. My V8Z against that why waist the gas!


It's like swatting away at a pesky little mosquito!



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