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I met Stony and his gorgeous little daughter last night. I just wanted to say it was a pleasure and wish you and your family a safe trip back to Alaska. I know you can find a way to knock off that last 10th to get into the 10 sec club. I think the solid axle conversion will definately do it for ya! Thanks for the info on snapping stub axles. Kinda scary but Im glad the disk rears are coming, it may save my butt one day. Take care and if I can ever help with anything please ask....


By the way my car asked me who you were and didnt know why a stranger was sitting in the driver seat. After the Zette calmed down, I told her that you were the owner of her older sister. Everything was fine after that.... :D



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It was cool meeting you to. Your Z is well on its way :D


thanks for the hospitality.. sorry if seemed i was in a hurry but wasnt supposed to be gone for too long with the brother in laws car.



thanks again. My daughter wanted to go back the whole way home ;>

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