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Ross C Modern Motorsports

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Ed, I just dropped you an email reply earlier today. Last I understood your car was burned up?? I never heard otherwise after that sad email. I was remiss in a reply and we can carry on via private email. Your custom adaptors built to your spec's will ship within 2-3 days.


FWIW, yes I have been working lots but routine items have still being going out freely. R&D custom projects have been slow with the greatly accelerated work schedule but I'll be out from under the gorilla project ($45M power line/9km's in 7.5 mo's so we can avoid an Eastern blackout etc) within a few weeks as we just got into the substation.


Tim, that's a change in tone for you. If you're aware of issues you'd like to drop me an email on, I'd greatly appreciate it. We've all had occasional delivery issues and I haven't aired any related to others on this board, yourself not excluded, in keeping with a professional tone. I do what I can to aid customer's buildups and packages but admittedly the last few months that's been less than my usual 'quick' effort. I've taken on zero new R&D assignments of recent as in all honesty I just want to wrap up those remaining to get some more new unique setups in use! I've apologized to customers with delayed custom packages from myself and to date all have been very accepting. It's been tough as I LOVE doing new designs but can't forego the day job which got unusually busy when I got assigned to this fastrack project with an enjoyable yet hectic broadened scope. Be nice to skip the day job and do motorsports 100% but I'd have to step to more than Datsuns to see $'s to pay the real bills which I'm not ready to do at present.


Anyhow, I'm babbling now late at night as I wrap up an eng. report for action tomorrow. It was a faithful customer that brought this thread to my attention. A few have been concerned my health may have gone south with skipped or slow uncharacteristic responses; thanks for your concern's but I can very happily say it was 6 yrs clear post cancer BMT this past spring and still clear as a bell:) It's just been good honest work keeping me from my usual dedicated motorsports efforts which will back off shortly here!


Keep the shiny side up:)


Once again thanks for all your support guys and supporting the liberty of R&D and manufactering I greatly enjoy, aiding Z enjoyment!

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Mabey a helpful little hint for you Ross to keep everything running smoothly is to have a little note box at the top of your website. Say for example you are out for the week at a car show, simply type a couple of words with an update. It keeps ppl from wondering the worst and freaking out.

People please keep in mind Ross is a small bussiness that offers specialty equipment at a good price. Ross has always answered my questions, I haven't even bought anything from him YET (upgrades to come). I am sure Ross will do his best to get your parts out quickly as possible.

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