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CounterAct electronic rust protection


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Anyone ever use CounterAct electronic rust protection system. It seems to be a little box that constantly runs a negative charge throught the car to inhibit rust. Seems like a great idea, I saw it on 2 guys garage and immediately thought about the rust buckets that we all know and love as Z's. I am usually aprenhensive about things like this tho but apparently this will all but stop the contiuation of corrosion.






P.S. Here is the website http://www.counteractrust.com/

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Hmm...well...I kinda place this device right up there with the magnetic fuel ionizer...


The magnetic fuel ionizer is a great idea...in somebody's mind...the idea is that passing your fuel through a magnet will align the ions in it.


Here's my problem with it. The fuel is already passed through a magnet. The fuel pump.



Same with charging the chassis to prevent rust.


The battery already provides a "negative" charge to your chassis.

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I have no doubt that there is some validity to cathodic rust protection using sacrificial anodes. It is common practice and in fact, specified by building codes when using buried steel gas pipes and it widely used in ships. However I would be leary of a any product that claims laboratory tests prove the product works, yet does not publish the actual test reports. I think I saw the words "rust protection is measurable" regard the test reports which does not actually mean it will stop your car from rusting. Their marketing smells of consumer oriented infomercial, snake oil and soap sales.

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I work for a major gas pipeline utility and we use cathodic protection throughout the system, using electricity and magnesium anodes. I think that the failure with idea in a car, is that the car is isolated from a ground (rubber tires). Unless you were to install a sacrificial anode of some type, I highly doubt that the system mentioned above would have any effect at all.


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