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who's going to the convention?


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i'll be there (z-less :cuss: ), i read that pete paraska's going.... so who else is making the trip, and which day? i'm going up wed. for the show day, just listen for the sound of a really loud 11-month old. :cry2: like to meet some of you face to face.... get to know more of our little corner of the web.

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I'll be going up tuesday night. My father is coming with me but we are only bringing the yellow car because he doesn't trust himself driving the truck with the trailer attached. :( Someday when my son is old enough to drive I hope to be able to bring both of them.



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  • 2 weeks later...


i didn't get to go, unfortunately. the money i would've spent on the trip up there i decided was better served by using it for my project; that way i might actually be able to bring it to z-functions. it was a hard decision because i really wanted to meet up with some of you guys and check out your rides. soon.....

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Art, did you notice the amount of gray hair I have? :)

My memory misses about as bad as my V8 was the night of the drags. :)


Art was there at the show, the drags, the track day. I had a good time talking with him and giving him a hard time. He's just so fun to kid around with.


Sorry, Art. I always forget to mention someone. Don't take it personally :).


My drag racing adventure was pretty dissappointing. Thanks for hanging with me - much appreciated. I wish I had a dollar for every time that week that some young person asked what kind of car it was and then looked stumped when I told them it was a Datsun!

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