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A couple of readers got it. How many thought "This is Spinal Tap" or "Best in Show" were documentaries?


I was suggesting we take a look at ourselves as a group and NOT get into splitting hairs or creating double standards on what we define as Hybrid Z material. I personally feel that a Hybrid Z car can be a '70s Z that has been transformed with state-of-the-art fuel delivery and ignition, turbocharging that wasn't offered back then, hybridized L6 engines with alternate heads, blocks, cranks, induction, etc. I feel that a 240Z with a stock L24 and a Jaguar rear end is a Hybrid Z and is equivilant to a stock 240Z chassis with a stock 350 Chevy engine.


I propose an Inline 6 forum which includes BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, GM, and any other non-Nissan transplant engine (stock or modified), as well as any significantly modified Nissan L6 engine or a later-year (stock or modified) L6 engine, and any stock or modified RB engine.


My point of the post was that ingenuity, art of fabrication, and engineering are the essence of a Hybrid Z car, not the configuration of the powerplant. What does not belong here are those trying to tap the experience, generosity, and resourcefulness of other members just to fix their broken car.


Perhaps membership should be contingent on passing a written test with definitions and terms such as: LSD, VLSD, R200, R190, R180, wheel offset, crank angle sensor, TPS, Lambda sensor, stoichiometry, compressor bypass valve, rod/stroke, detonation, 4 bolt mains, piston speed & stroke, etc., etc. If the potential member can't pass the entrance exam then they can hang out as an observer on this site and on other sites, e.g., ZCar.com and study up so that they are a more active participant and contributor rather than a leach or PITA.


I was being FACETIOUS with my post. I now am posting here because the initial forum is locked. I would not have let it go on with the responses flowing that did not recognize my black sense of humor, but I left town right after I posted and just got back. Lighten up, I was pointing out the irony in moving towards excluding Nissan L6 engines as not Hybrid Z material when some constitute a huge performance vein (e.g., turbocharged engines) on the site. I feel the L6 belongs and Hybrid Z should include engine hybridization as valid criteria. Whatever the source of the powerplant, if the horsepower is more than doubled from the stock Z car hp; it should be considered a Hybrid Z. It is worthy. DAW

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I didn't get a chance to post anything on the other "subject" until tonight, but also wanted to hear something from the writer. I have always read any of DAW's post that I have come across, be it, on Zcar or here(about basically anything worth his input) and knew he had what he classified as a "black sense of humor" and sometimes didn't know how to take him, but always waited for his next post. It usually worked out to be someone taking the statements in the usual response, since there isn't much of a way to express emotions/expressions on the other world we like to call the internet.

I for one don't post that often, but would be more then willing to take a newbee test for the honor of posting statements or questions on our little part of this world. I'd also be willing to bet that with the experience that I have from working on my Z for only 7 years and the knowledge gained from people on this site and others that I would have honorary marks after my first attempt of said "test". I know this subject of a test has been stated on another post in the past.

My question is; is there a way to have someone meet certain criteria before having the ability to post? Say, you have to view so many posts and actually use the search function before you can post a question yourself. This ofcourse only being possible after you have answered certain questions in a test format. I know there are ways to keep track of posts and I'm sure there are ways to keep track of how long/how much a person is on this forum, but I'm not sure about keeping track of other aspects of someones forum time. I know I actually don't want to know how much time I spend on this forum, so it would be a good idea to keep this info private.

BTW, if there was ever a statement about how much I think about what I am posting, when I do post, I would think that stating it took me atleast 20 minutes to write this out should be an example!


OOps, ofcourse even proof reading does nothing without using the preview button, as indicated by my edit. Damn, I have to be up in 5 hours for work!

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the fury the original post caused only demonstrates how much hardcore members care about our site. that said, there's nothing like raising a few eyebrows here and there. sometimes you just have to make sure people are paying attention.


note to self..... call paulie in the morning to cancel the whacking. :twisted:

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The problem with "black humor," or anything subtle for that matter, is that the posts don't pick up intonation, facial expressions, etc. The emoticons are supposed to help to convey this.


Unfortunately DAW did not do this. So here is one for him: :twak:



I hope that feels good :D



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