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Another HUGE milestone reached (before pics added)


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Well....finally got color on the car yesterday/today!!

Towed it to the spray booth at noon Sunday. Finally got it off the trailer and in the garage (home) at 03h15 this morning (Monday)!! After showering and cleaning up, I finally got to bed, then had to be up a 06h00!! Holy crap I'm tired!! I was debating whether or not I should have even gone to sleep! I don't know how I ever did this in University....staying up for days on end and not having a problem with it!! I feel like my head is seperated from my body.....kinda hazy!!

Now to do the color sanding and buffing!! This has been such a long time coming, but I'm too tired to be excited!!



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good time for color sanding... you're already half-wasted from exhaustion so the swirling paint dust shouldn't get you too bad..... know how you feel though. i pulled my tank, fuel pump and the old lines today so i'm high on gas fumes. feels grrrr-eat!

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As soon as I can get my driveway cleared up and can move the car out into the sun, I will snap some pics. I'm still recovering from Sunday Night, Monday Morning. My garage and driveway are a mess because of the feverish dash to get it ready for the spray booth. All I can say is that it looks soooo awesome....but that may be because I have seen it in grey primer for so dang long!!


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Looks great Tim240Z, Did you weld the headlight bucket and fenders together? It looks like it from the pic. I'm debating on doing that mine.


Yes I shaved EVERYTHING!!:


Headlight Buckets

All Marker Lights

Door handles and locks

All body holes for badging

Pillar vents

Antenna hole

Fuel door

Added extra bolts to spoiler and molded that in too

Shaved drip rails

Mirror holes in doors

And of course added the smoothed rear panel. (made from a blank piece of 20 gauge sheet metal).



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I know Tim is trying to be Dan Juday and tease us until we all go nuts!!!


Well, thats about 1/2 true. Actually, I just haven't had time to even take any pictures for my own little documentary library. I also don't want to show it before it has some stuff bolted back on....she looks so naked and I don't think that she will appreciate me showing her nakedness off to the internet world :D



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