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Well I got the motor today

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

First off I gotta say... the fuggin thing is FILTHY!! It's been sitting outside for like a year. I tested the compression, and all cylinders came back between 95 and 110 or so. I wasn't looking for high numbers... if a motor sits for a while low numbers are common right? I figured as long as the numbers were close which they were, the numbers should come up once the motor runs for a while right? The turbo was in near new shape. And then I pulled the valve cover.... the top end looks brand spanking new!! Makes it really easy to believe that the motor has less than 70k miles on it. Cam and rockers were in AWESOME shape. Very clean and no visible wear that I can see. It's a P90A, for sure, but it DOESNT have the hydraulic lifters! Dissapointing... The plugs were... odd. They looked like they were burning clean, nice tan color, but at the same time, there was some crud built up on there. No visible oil, just dry builtup crud... like they hadn't been changed in a lonnnnnng time. So... a mixed bag, to be sure, and a gamble I'm sure also. But w/o a backup daily driver I"m kinda w/o a choice. I dont get a bad vibe from the guy... he was definately in no rush to unload the engine, and was going to use it himself on a 240 sitting in his driveway, as of now the car is just sitting due to lack of time and funds. Oh and it didn't have the distributor (it's an '83 motor, I have the '81 CAS setup right now)... damn :( Ah well... anyways it should be in the car by tuesday, no time to work on it over the weekend. God I PRAY that this motor is okay... just be okay, no smoke... that's all I ask.

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Guest bastaad525

LOL dude I HOPE it doesn't take THAT long!! If all goes according to plan the motor should be in by this tuesday at the latest.


So I shouldn't worry about the low numbers then? One weird thing was that the numbers would change from test to test. The first time I tested the #1, I got 120psi. The second time, only 85!! After testing all six cylinders several times they all seemed to settle at around 95-110... so this IS to be expected seeing as the motor sat so long?


If that's the case then I feel a lot better and more confident about the whole thing :) I can't help but think of how many guys here have struck gold with JY engines....

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