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SBC rings... how to tell the difference. Grumpy?

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Ok, My cat knocked an open box of rings off my kitchen table, and they went everywhere. I have my little piles of rings separated, but how do I tell the top ring from the second ring? One pile has green paint near the gap, i think that's the top one but want to be sure... Any ideas?





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Guest Anonymous

some ring manufacturers also put a cast dot on the top ring...try looking for that....hope its on yours...by the way...how did those cat tacoes taste...like chicken??

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Well, if anything happened to the cat, i'd follow right after it. It sits far above me on the totem pole in this house. There are casting dots on both sets of rings, to indicate the top. They are sealed power rings, if that helps. I just wanna figure this out quick without another trip to the parts store, and i doubt they would let me open a sealed box of rings anyway. I was hoping you could tell by the profile of the ring face, or something. What's the worst that could happen if I get them backwards and install them? Just curious...



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Guest Perry

I just used two sets of cheap rings. the top one was not marked at all, and the 2nd ring on both sets had a chamfer on the inside surface of the ring. no matter what you are still guessing until you look at another set.


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What I know is the second ring is the scrapper and should be bevelled slightly /. The rings should have a ounched dot on the side that goes up. Not the oil rings though. I have the Speed Pro Rings and the TOP ring has red and white markings, the second ring just has white. Hope this helps.

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Guest Anonymous

Mr. Grump: Was getting ready to modify that death trap 3 point engine stand that I picked up at a garage sale that you warned us all about. I got a real good look at it and LOL it was a 4 point stand that needed no modifications. You really had me worried.... now if I can just find that oil pump primer that I bought at the yard sale for fifty cents...uh the tapered piston rings go in the middle above the curly ones and If the top ones do not have a dot .. How do I makey the dot on them. And Lab: your carb is setting on a fellow Texan Mike's Performer Manifold. What a combination up here in the Tundra!

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