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lt1 or ls1

Guest storm280z

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Guest plainswolf

I would add one more bit of good advice for all..


when you post or search a perticular subject, it is also extremely helpful to go to the respondents webpages.

From there you can oftem see a great amount of pictorial documentation along with descriptions.[/u]

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Searches avoid repetition, but they can also provide more info.


Let's say there is a member who has done both swaps and is very knowledgeable about both. Someone asks "Is the LS-1 better than the LT-1?", or "Is the SBC better than the SB Ford?", or "How much does it cost to V8 a Zcar?". This member spends a good bit of time typing up a long, detailed response with a lot of good info. Then a month or so later a new member asks the same question, and he spends a lot more time responding to that post. Then another month or so, the same Q comes up, and he says the heck with it, I'm not typing all that up again. Or maybe he is busy with something else in life and not able to spend much time on HybridZ and doesn't see the post.


So a search avoids repetition and can provide info you may not get otherwise.



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Lets not forget how the information gets into the data bank. If the old question isn't asked anymore then no new information is obtained. I'm sure not everything about LS1 and LT1 conversions has been discussed. You never know, a new member with a lot of experience on the subject could ofter more information. But unless someone posts the question again then the newest information cannot be shared. If you have already put your answer/opinion in the data bank on that subject and don't want to answer the "old" question then simiply don't. And let someone else share there thoughts and experiences. Who knows, we all could learn something new.

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You have a valid point, however, everyone (esp. newbies) should read, understand, and take to heart this:


Then, once they have searched and read the old posts, then ask specific questions. Certain basic aspect of these swaps just aren't going to change:

For instance: JTR works with LT1 and not with LS1 etc.

I was very cordual and diplomatic in my first resoponse (go back and read again, if necessary), but the advise was obviously not taken as can be seen by subsequent posts by the topic owner. That's when 'we' get a bit grumpy. This is an old issue and will likely never be completely resolved, so I think too much more debate on it is pretty much moot. It just seems a shame, that with so much valuable info in the archives, folks still want to take the easy route and ask to be spoon fed the info......

'nuff said? :wink:


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Sorry just one more thing. Then "nuf said".

Guys think of it as cleaning out you shop. Put your tools here subcatagorize them into woodworking, auto, welding etc. Just like Hybrid. I think the best of both worlds would be to place pure information; specifications; ways of accomplishing a particular project. In our specialized subcatagories provided at Hybrid. This will prevent us from ruining the awhsome ingenius tool called "search".

See I've been around awhile on this site. A long time, even before I regestered. I remember alot of VERY informative posts. Sometimes can't find them. Or find real hard to find due to excess non-tech stuff in our specific sub-catagories. I know one mans garbage is another mans riches but try real hard (I have a problem alot of times too) If you start out "which is better" without first "searching" Don't just NOT POST go ahead and put it in "NON-Tech board" to obtain personal opinions. I know alot of grey areas to what I say and who's to decide because we don't have same knowledge base so to do things right I figure first "search" then "NoN-Tech Board". Then if you really need exact figures and don't find them in "search" or "NON-Tech Board" Hey Post that baby in our highly specialized regular sub-catagories. Lets protect our natural resources..Don't litter :-D (and I'm not saying this post is litter either just hoping to establish peace and harmony and tidyness in this world and our website)..(did I say that?)

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Guest Your Car is Slow

I just think its absurd that you find it necessary to type endless volumes defending your "do a search" logic...but dont answer the guys question with any sort of helpful information.


Its one thing to be lazy and not search..its another to be equally lazy and tell someone to "do a search".


Granted...I search the forum all the time for information....and rarely do those searches every come up with one or two hits....usually dozens or more. However most of the threads are older..and perhaps newer people with more information are unaware of them...hence asking a question again would gather even more information and opinions.


The message boards were not designed as a data warehouse....its called a FORUM for a reason.


Either way its a silly argument...some of you are just as stubborn as I am....I just dont see the point at being an ass to someone new....if you really feel that way..why not just put "DO A SEARCH" in your signature line :)

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why not just put "DO A SEARCH" in your signature line

That is, in fact, an excellent idea.


And to both yours and Pyro's points, I will restate Briguy's point:

If you had a question about one thing or another it should be posted in the topic you have read or if no one has touched the topic then post a new topic. By posting into the existing topic it will give history to the responder and make a clearer idea what your question entails without repeating information.

When you do this, you add to existing discussion, you make it easy for people to answer your question and you help create a nice trail for others to follow.


I definitely made a mistake when I made my long reply reagarding the merits of searching in this thread. I think this topic should be moved to the NonTech board.

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I see both sides. When I was a newbe I needed help (still do :-D ). I got real pissed if I thought someone talked down to me. But I was thankful when Superdan first built the search function and even more thankful when I learned how to use it. I was impressed with all the information available. Although now I realize as time goes by the search gets cluttered with the same old same old. That's what I think some people get excited about. Don't think suggesting to do a search to a newbe is wrong. Now the way you suggest it; thats another story.

I guess I was doing it wrong but I always used the sub catagories of this "message boards" as a "data warehouse" and then go to Non tech board for discussions personal perferences etc. the question is where does one start and the other one end? I don't know that either. I guess its everyone's personal preference and responsibility to try to do the right thing. Hey and some of both the older and newer guys have gotten burned out writing the same response over and over again wishing for a new and exciting topic.

As Bruce Lee (although I don't think he worked on cars) said "Absorbe what is useful"; disregard the rest.

But don't overlook the fact this is a pretty good site for the information you get.

Yea! silly arguement. full of personal opinions I'm done:)

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If you had a question about one thing or another it should be posted in the topic you have read or if no one has touched the topic then post a new topic. By posting into the existing topic it will give history to the responder and make a clearer idea what your question entails without repeating information.
That's what I usually do because of the search nazis. But then every now and then I get the "Thread Resurrection" nazis decrying an old thread being brought back to the first page. :roll:
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Guest storm280z
:shock: man this has turn into a huge debate or should i say repatision of the same thing. im soory one ,ore time did someone say day a search, b/c i didnt here them the first 5 times. you guys say that asking the same question takes up space, then why is it that 5 people have told me to do the same thing. a bit of info for you. i started the post becuase i have a 77 280z that i bought when i was 17. i have now put isma an restored the inside or the car. since then i have put a lot of time an money. which im sure MANY of you have do. i have wanted to do a swap for a very long time. i first want to do a rb26dett swap, but found that it was goin to cost way to much to get parts upgrade. so i thought y not go v8, so i wanted to get some insight on which sbc would be best for me. an i did doa search an i was VERYhelpful to me. I think you fro pounf that point home many many times. so now the battle is to find a motor. is there any one in the dallas area that has done a swap that i could contact. i will keep you all posted on the progress :lol:
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