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Spherical Rotary Valves

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

Ive read a bit on this idea and am very intruiged with the concept, and am planning on doing my junior research paper on it. it doesnt have to be a huge paper or anything, just 7 pages, so i think that with a few good sites i should have this covered easy. what do you guys know about this topic and which sites have good info about it? ive been to one, i forget the name, but they actually make the heads and after reading through that i am really convinced its a future possibility for curing effeciency in cars. thanks for any info you can provide.



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Guest Zachb55

yeah, i found that old post, i think i may have even posted on it a while back, and it led to a mustang forum, which led to some other people researching this topic so i think i should be able to tackle this pretty easily, if any of you know of any magazines that had articles about these i would love a reference. thanks for the tips



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I can't remember if I started that thread a little while back or not. I remember there were some links to some more info on other forums I visit. I'll see what I can dig up.


Someone was saying that the technology was being used in industrial trucks. I think it was Mack trucks or one of those brands that was using them.


Good luck with the paper :wink:

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Yah, about a year ago a friend of mine wanted to do that to his 5.0 stang. Apparently there is a company that makes heads you can drop right on your 302 and BAM something like 350 HP. This guy was all excited about the idea, but then he had to sell the car... and I don't even talk to the guy anymore.. kind of had a falling out.. there has to be a site with all the info somewhere.. this guy had like 10 pages printed out that he showed me about this design..

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[quote="ON3GOis that the head from the benz that kinda works on our L6's???

if so... maybe we have a future there!!



ROFLOL!!! I can just imagine it now - hundreds of guys across the nation swap V8's into their Z's, then this rotary head comes along and everyone swaps back to what they had in the first place.


Too funny!



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