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body kit design...


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guys I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find a base 240z 3dsmax model to use to play with so i can develope an intresting body kit.


eventually i plan to make custom body parts and well without something really clean to look at modeling one from the ground up will be a bit hard.


hell not even sure this should be in this forum....

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Guest EnthuZiast

Couldn't you use technical drawings to replicate it? Use top, front, side, etc. and just trace the lines. Seems like that should work and wouldn't be too incredibly time consuming.

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If i had the technical drawings then yes i could just simply use spline modeling to get what i need, however i don't have those drawings.. :(


I have 3d Studio Max 5.1 with brazil r/s rendering suite. which I'm able to get photo realistic renderings a bit easier than max's normal global illumination rendering system. Plus i get MUCH more materials to work with :D


I've tried searching the web for the 3d model with no luck. only thing i've found so far was a gta3 vice city model of a fairlady z... which to be honest looked like crap.. :(


if you know where i can find the technical drawings that would be AWESOME. :D

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Guest EnthuZiast

Well, I've looked around some...actually, I'm just getting going. But I checked out ZHome.com and came up with this: http://www.zhome.com/zcarfilesJPEG/70Broch.htm It's a sales brochure, but it does have an overhead view and side. I'll keep looking because I know that I have seen them out there. Maybe you could find some stuff in a repair manual ??

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that could work but then your limited due to build up of each different design, as to where a 3d model could be changed at any point and time to see the full effect.


once you have what your looking for it would be easy to make a plug then mold to make it.

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Guest EnthuZiast

If anyone has a copy of How to Restore Your Dasun Z-Car (by Wick Humble) and can scan it, it has a group of side, top, rear, and front sketches. They are not as detailed and they do not have measurements, but they do have the car's lines. It's on page 11. I don't have a scanner and will look for one to use....

Hope that helps.

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