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Mr. Brown came today


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Mr. Brown showed up nice and early this morning with a set of tires and later again at my dad's work with some more goodies for the Cobra.


Here's a pic:




Unfortunately, I just noticed that the rear springs don't match. One has 7 coils while the other has eight. They are both marked as 525lb springs, but I don't think that's right.


Here's another thing that caught my eye while I was at the tranny shop today (new input shaft, clutch, flywheel, and provisions to allow coolant flow out of the back of the driver's side head). Anyway, here's the picture:



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I wish, but they are the same length and marked as the same spring rate. The coils are the same size, there is just one more on one and not on the other. This can only lead me to believe that one of them isn't right. When I head down to LA tomorrow, I think I'll stop by at Maximum Motorsports to see if I can get the right springs from them. The shop is in the San Luis Opisbo area, which I was going to stop at anyway to see some friends in Cal Poly.

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