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My home might be in a movie

Heavy Z

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Funny story so I thought I'd share, a movie will be filmed here locally by the son of Walter Mathau(sp?) and they want to use a loft for some of the scenes. They heard about our building and so a location scout is comming over on wednesday to have a look. We'll see how it goes, if I'm lucky maybe I can get the Z in there somehow. :D





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Thanks everyone for the compliments. The stairs with no rail goes up into the bedroom and believe me I know what you mean about being careful! Steve, from talking to the location scout you must work at channel 10. She wants to bring the producer by tomorrow to have a look, they want to do one day of filming here which is perfect for me so I don't have to relocate or anything like that. I'll let you guys know how it goes. :D

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